NFL 2012: The Super Bowl and Beyond

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Those weren't just "losses" to the Redskins either, they were bitch slaps. Funny shit.
I should probably clarify my last post.

There have been two other teams to make the SB without beating a team over .500 during the regular season. I think the '99 Rams were one of them. Worked out just fine if I recall.
As for the final score, I'm thinking along the same lines as Hewson, although I give the Giants another TD.

Patriots, 38-24

Would love to see Welker as the MVP (since he would have been four years ago), but it will go to Brady.
I can feel the tension building.

It's about to snap like an old rubber band that's been left in the kitchen drawer too long.
I should probably clarify my last post.

There have been two other teams to make the SB without beating a team over .500 during the regular season. I think the '99 Rams were one of them. Worked out just fine if I recall.

The '99 Rams were similar to this year's Patriots in that they both beat a lot of bad teams in the regular season, but those Rams had a better offense and a better defense than these Patriots and they still barely squeaked by the Titans in the Super Bowl.
Yeah, the Rams were top 10 in defense that year, and had a record-setting offense.

Once they played some real teams, they struggled, but they were able to win games where their offense faltered (NFC championship game vs. Bucs).

The two aren't similar at all, really.
i was never a big fan of curtis martin.

and what's with all the linemen?

anyways...this is probably a bad omen: had it up earlier today
I assume that was the Super Bowl victory declaration that was briefly on the Giants' website?

Meh. I am sure that Belichick fabricates all sorts of quotes, insults and slights to motivate the Patriots.

Total suckage to be released the day before the superbowl. Belicheck released tiquan underwood and his smooth fade.
speedracer said:
I assume that was the Super Bowl victory declaration that was briefly on the Giants' website?

Meh. I am sure that Belichick fabricates all sorts of quotes, insults and slights to motivate the Patriots.

The League Office controls all NFL websites.

Rest easy tonight knowing the exact same declaration image exists for the Patriots. As do hats, shirts, Gatorade bottles, and fake newspapers. All declaring both teams as champions.

Some IT guy on Park Ave just got fired.
I wasn't comparing the teams, just that stat.

You were implying that since the Rams won the Super Bowl after a regular season where they didn't beat any teams with a winning record then the Patriots could do the same so, yes, you were comparing them.
The AFC East as a whole only had one win against a team over .500... ironically enough, the Bills beat the Pats once.

Then again... the Pats went 7-1 against teams over .500 last year. Didn't do them much good.

Throw it all out the window today. If the Giants can pressure Brady... much like in '08, or like the Jets did last year... then the Giants probably win.

Unless they start turning the ball over, the Giants are going to score some points here in that building against that defense.

If Brady has time so sit in the pocket, then whoever makes the least mistakes, and maybe whoever has the ball last, will probably win.
I think NE's D is gonna surprise a bit tonight. I still think they give up some points but do enough to let the offense win the game.

If they don't, it will be tough for Brady to overcome that, no doubt.
Good Morning and Happy Super Bowl Sunday

I've heard too many people say "When everybody goes one way, go the other. So i'm taking the Patriots" the last few days...


Giants 31
Patriots 23
Ah no, I wasn't. I was merely mentioning that two other teams were able to win in that fashion. I wasn't going past that stat. I can't even recall the other team.

I misunderstood your intent. Sorry.

I think I'm just getting overly sensitive with all the Giants-bashing the media has been doing the last few days. They have really been pushing the meme that the Giants are 'yapping' too much and they are going to great lengths to twist things to support this. One player (can't remember if it was Osi, JPP, or Tuck) was asked how they were going to stop Brady and said something to the effect that Brady is a great QB but if they can get some pressure on him they believe they can force him into mistakes. This came out in the media as - Giants say Brady can't handle their pressure. Ridiculous.

An article on ESPN a few days ago (by Ian O'Connor I think) really pushed me over the top. The gist of it was that since some Giants players have been expressing confidence in their ability to win this game then they will be the laughingstock of the league if they lose. Really? What the frig? Yes, their regular season record wasn't exactly stellar and they lost to some mediocre (or worse) teams. But in the end they won their division and they have won every game in the playoffs so you know what means? That means they deserve to be here whether some pretentious, pasty-faced writer thinks so or not.
the media started the two weeks in love with the giants... then as it got closer to game time the love was too big and it circled back in the pats direction.

Bottom line is the media has too much time on their hands, and most of them are stupid.

This game will be won on match ups. Not on media created headlines or some sort of mystique.
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