PGP: U2, Will U Kiss Our Boo-boos

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
And I'm sorry for failing at the tags on this thread. I'm usually better. I was at my inlaws last night without internet. Well, I was tethering from my phone with a 2GB limit. One Comet picspam and I'd hit that limit right quick.
I don't think all of this epic multiquote marathon showed up, so...


Let me know if you need a copy! I think I sent you the sequel?


I need a copy. So very badly. Of both stories. *has to go through the ff section again*

Went out. Fun was had. Am back and will be watching Sons Of Anarchy with my parents, my bro, and his gf. :rockon:

I had a coloring book. Yeah. Wooooo.

Haha, yeah, Kenan and Kel, man. It's so weird to see Kenan on "SNL" now (but kind of appropirate, too, 'cause "All That" was pretty much "SNL" for kids).

LOL. I had a Cabbage Patch doll, too. I've still got it, actually.

Never watched "Star Trek" but most certainly did watch all the other three shows you mention! "Garfield" was part of my Saturday morning lineup! Definite memories of those shows at night and on the weekends.

As for the shows I missed out, buddy, is all I can say.

Coolness on the Ninja Turtle Coloring book :up:

Actually I've been wondering for years if anyone from All That was going to make the leap to SNL for the reason you just said...but I was pleasently surpised it was Kenan :up:

I think I still have mine...but it's naked and dirty (literally).

Yea....been watching both Star Trek and Star Wars since I was a baby (with the latter...since i was in the womb :wink: ). Actually I'm listening to Particle Man right now and every time I hear this song...I keep thinking of Tiny Toons. Another good show, along with Animanics (yes I know I misspelled :wink: ) and Pinky and the Brain.

I'm not upset that I missed out....I was just happy I got cable when I was growing up (I still am happy to have cable).
And omg pretzels in Nutella sounds delicious! *wants*

I think I missed some multiquotes from Dazz and Weldy... hi guys!! :hug: I don't think I can keep up like I used to but I'll try to pop in when I can.

Oh, and I had Leonardo and Raphael as TMNT action figures... I really wanted Donatello but never got him. And then they changed the figures around and they had all this extra guff on them and it wasn't the same... sigh!

Never had Nutella covered pretzels :drool: :hmm:

That's cool Ali...I'm just glad that you are back :hug:

Coolness on the Ninja Turtle merch :up:
Planned my Croatia trip a bit, staying there for a day and then taking a road trip through Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina to Sarajevo :love:
I'm so far behind in this there a cliff notes version out there?

I hear ya...I always fall behind on weekends bc Mr CK & Lil' CK are both home all day and thus quality family time takes place :lol:

Speaking of, Lil' CK re-discovered my tape of all the Letterman appearances. I just got to listen to the exquisite torture that is Adam discussing 'instrument envy' and 'thick long strings' :drool: :shifty:

Oh, and last night we watched "It Might Get Loud" on VH1 Classic; nevermind that we own it. It was on and therefore HAD to be watched. And they kept showing the commercial for the dvd/bluray release of FTSD. I know what I'm getting at tax time this year!!! (since I cant really justify a box set of AB with FroBaby on the way and the fact that I was able to download all the cds anyways...)
ooh - is that Anaheim 2????? I'll have to find someone who knows how to make that into a dvd. It was such an a-freakin-mazing show!!!!! Full of surprises!

CK, I was so happy when my son learned to sleep in on weekends. And how to operate the tv remote to turn on cartoons if he happens to get up early :wink: But today I was out the door early for a looooooooog hard ride with Larry. :wink:

I named my road bike Larry
Should I name my new running shoes Bono?

"I went running with Bono."

"Wow, I really gave Bono a pounding today..."
Oh my son has no problems operating the remote. Hell he's better at it than I am somedays :lol:

He hasnt learned to pour juice/milk into a cup yet so if there arent juice boxes or water bottles in the fridge...yeah. And you know how it goes as a parent: once you know they're up, you are never able to totally go back to sleep :lol::lol::lol:
out the door early for a looooooooog hard ride with Larry. :wink:

I named my road bike Larry

:laugh: sounds like fun!

Just spent a couple hours making some abstract watercolor...there's going to be an art sale during parents week and submissions are darn soon.

I need to start doing actual homework though...ugh.
I've been sidetracked on the internet and..

look what Iggy Pop looked like in school


soooo... show at school, all day festival on Sat, followed by 5 mile run, followed by girls'night out, then 25 mile bike ride, errands and a swim workout. I haz a tired. :yawn:
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