Kardinia Park, Geelong, Victoria, Australia Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I swear, all they do is rearrange things and integrate whatever social networking site is popular at the moment and call it a day.

I have no idea why I get so many Coldplay updates on my iTunes. You can vote them Greatest Live Act In The World Today if that's your thing, apparently.
Hope you find your kitten soon, Daniel. :( I've known other young cats to take an extended wander and return safe and sound after a while. Was your kitten de-sexed?

As for iTunes updates, ugh. I haven't upgraded since iTunes 8.
Eh I barely use my iPad for music, and haven't updated my iPod cause my PC crashed back in March. Might be in the market for a new mp3 player next time.
Trying a new keyboard layout. Going to take some getting used to but is undoubtedly fun to use.
Its called graffiti. And it only reads certain strokes so i need to memorize them before it is actually usful
My kitten was not desexed but...HES AT THE POUND!!!!!!! :hyper: Only downside is it's a $150 bail out fee but I don't frigging care He's Alive!!!!
Yeah it was $186 or something in the end. Which included a registration fee to the council, as that was not done yet. Have to have him De-sexed and microchipped within the next two weeks, fuck its expensive. having my car serviced today, maybe I shoulda sold my grand final ticket to danny :wink:

Gotta look at some enclousures or something to keep him at home.
bono_man2002 said:
Yeah it was $186 or something in the end. Which included a registration fee to the council, as that was not done yet. Have to have him De-sexed and microchipped within the next two weeks, fuck its expensive. having my car serviced today, maybe I shoulda sold my grand final ticket to danny :wink:

Gotta look at some enclousures or something to keep him at home.

That's fucking extortion. What are they gonna do? Put it dowN if you don't pay?
You'd be surprised how often "re-housed" means "put down".
FYM: The Wisdom of a Conservative:

"The solution for poor countries is to get rich."

yay! Kitteh has been found! And mine apparently thinks he's a parrot. he's trying to balance his fat butt on my shoulder.
I know, right. Who could've known the answers were right under our noses!
I presume the obvious cure to cancer is similarly that sick people just need to harden up and get well?
Abolish all hospitals!

So today's free app is another new keyboard layout. Definitely easier, not sure how fast it might be though.
Man I was having a lot of fun with the draw letters keyboard, but this one is so much faster....I think I'll keep to trying the draw letters one for a week and if I'm not typing faster by the end of the week I'll use this one only.

Gosh, wouldn't you all just like to have any idea at all what I'm talking about..
Ah ha i have discovered how to quickly switch between keyboards. Soon i shall be unstoppable. MWAHAHA
The simple fact if the matter its that swype is the freddy way too type on my phone hands down, but I just make so many damn tips it feels like I need to learn an alternative ac/dc see big I can't get as day with that..

Case in point, I decided not to correct any of this message.
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