Random Music Talk XXXI: Rapture? I Hardly Met Her

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My friend is a girl.

Maybe Beavis & Daria?

Now I'm picturing Laz with a mammoth pomapdour under that fedora.

Anybody remember the "good, old days" of MTV when for one weekend per summer, they'd play nothing but cartoons? Daria, B&B, Cartoon Sushi, Robin, Sifl & Olly. Those were good times. I'd stay up the entire weekend to watch it all. I was a dork.
lazarus said:
Exchange between me & a friend on FB:

Laz (status update): Coldplay's new single: in case you were wondering, yeah, they're still colossally lame.

Friend: did you even have to listen to it to figure that out? surely you could just look at chris martin and see the lameness exuding from him.

Laz: You're right. But the lyrics were released yesterday and I had to see if the music could match the awfulness of the words. Guess what? It did.

Friend: oh you mean awesome lyrics like: i'd rather be a comma than a full stop?

Laz: I'd prefer a full stop, as in stop making music.

Other friend: they still exist!?

Pass me a needle. I have to sew up my sides. They split I was laughing that hard.

lazarus said:
My friend is a girl.

hitting that?
Exchange between me & a friend on FB:

Laz (status update): Coldplay's new single: in case you were wondering, yeah, they're still colossally lame.

Friend: did you even have to listen to it to figure that out? surely you could just look at chris martin and see the lameness exuding from him.

Laz: You're right. But the lyrics were released yesterday and I had to see if the music could match the awfulness of the words. Guess what? It did.

Friend: oh you mean awesome lyrics like: i'd rather be a comma than a full stop?

Laz: I'd prefer a full stop, as in stop making music.

Other friend: they still exist!?
I believe that I saw the doppelganger of Adam Clayton today, at an Indiana turnpike rest-stop of all places.
"Hell's bells, Herschel! That was the least funny thing I've read since my old man's last will and testament!"

- P. Campbell
Am I the only one in B&C who doesn't think the sun shines out of Chris Martin's butt?

Ha, what?

Yeah, there's a good amount of people around here who enjoy Coldplay, but I don't think any of us have Chris Martin up on a pedestal or anything.

Maybe intedomine, but that's about it.

Laz, you're silly.
LCD Soundsystem
"we are still editing this live show. holy crap. i mean, it's 4 hours and 11 cameras... mixing the music is taking forever, too! want to get it right!"

:dancing: take your time guys, I luv u.

Cannot wait, among many, many other things, to hear that fucking unbelievable beast of a performance of Get Innocuous!
I wasn't expecting much, but I do always hope that Coldplay can bust something unique and new (for them) out one of these days. They've no doubt got the talent, just not the drive and/or balls? There are a few interesting directions they could go in, especially with Eno in the room. But given they don't seem to want to, they just seem to be grabbing the wrong U2 producer. It seems they only really need Lillywhite.

For the record, I completely agree with this. (Though I've got no idea what a "milquetoast" is.) I can't see them ever making a record like Achtung or songs like Exit, Bullet, The Fly, Sunday Bloody Sunday, etc. Which is another reason why I hate the comparisons.

Yep. I get why there are comparisons made, but you're right, they really don't extend very far at all, and are only very, very superficial. I mean, if U2's plane went down, and Coldplay were (inevitably) booked to do a few U2 covers at the (inevitable) tribute gig - and they had to do them note for note - no re-imagining - then from what % of U2's catalogue could they realistically choose songs from? Surely only about 10%.
Ha, what?

Yeah, there's a good amount of people around here who enjoy Coldplay, but I don't think any of us have Chris Martin up on a pedestal or anything.

Maybe intedomine, but that's about it.

Laz, you're silly.
That was actually a legit question, and now I know that no, I'm not. It's comforting.
Thing is, I feel Coldplay actually are talented (particularly their guitarist), but they have no interest in taking any artistic chances. I think they have the potential to evolve their existing sound and make something really interesting, but they would rather be continually cranking out wedding montage music.

Agree with the comments about Chris Martin's stage presence though. It's nigh impossible to ape Bono's stage moves and not look like an absolute twat. Bono himself sometimes barely pulls it off (and sometimes not at all).
Who has two thumbs and a U2 obsession and gave up her #46 spot in the GA line because her body rebelled against her and gave her a long, sleepless and sick night?


I wasn't even drinking. :( I'm so disappointed right now.

But it's okay. I can hang with Zoney in the back, or I might still snag a decent spot (hopefully near my pals) in a second row or something.


Yesterday was fun, though. Had lunch with joyful, hung with bunch of people, met some new people, had a really fun dinner with an Interference crew. Will get to see some of them again tomorrow night.

Also, the weather is fucking PERFECT. Spring/early summer finally arrived in time for U2.

And hey, you know, I get to see my favorite band tonight. So I'll make it through.
Who has two thumbs and a U2 obsession and gave up her #46 spot in the GA line because her body rebelled against her and gave her a long, sleepless and sick night?


I wasn't even drinking. :( I'm so disappointed right now.

But it's okay. I can hang with Zoney in the back, or I might still snag a decent spot (hopefully near my pals) in a second row or something.


Yesterday was fun, though. Had lunch with joyful, hung with bunch of people, met some new people, had a really fun dinner with an Interference crew. Will get to see some of them again tomorrow night.

Also, the weather is fucking PERFECT. Spring/early summer finally arrived in time for U2.

And hey, you know, I get to see my favorite band tonight. So I'll make it through.

Hi Cori,

I ended up going to the baseball game last night. Sorry I missed you at the pub.

Nobody wanted to stand in line for GA, so I'll be hanging in the back with you. Hope you feel better.
Hi Cori,

I ended up going to the baseball game last night. Sorry I missed you at the pub.

Nobody wanted to stand in line for GA, so I'll be hanging in the back with you. Hope you feel better.

No worries - it was crazy there once it got to be about 9:30 or so. We saw some of the game on TV - good stuff. We were laughing at all the U2 references they had on the graphics during the game. The previous night's game had them, too.

Glad to hear you'll be back there - hope I get to meet you. I'll still be wearing black and white stripes, but in tank top form this time. With a black hoodie, depending on the current temperature. :)

Sorry about the rest of it, dear.

Thanks. :hug:
Glad to hear you'll be back there - hope I get to meet you. I'll still be wearing black and white stripes, but in tank top form this time. With a black hoodie, depending on the current temperature. :)

For those of you meeting Cori AFTER the show tonight for club-hopping, she'll be in similar garb:

Who has two thumbs and a U2 obsession and gave up her #46 spot in the GA line because her body rebelled against her and gave her a long, sleepless and sick night?


I wasn't even drinking. :( I'm so disappointed right now.

But it's okay. I can hang with Zoney in the back, or I might still snag a decent spot (hopefully near my pals) in a second row or something.


Yesterday was fun, though. Had lunch with joyful, hung with bunch of people, met some new people, had a really fun dinner with an Interference crew. Will get to see some of them again tomorrow night.

Also, the weather is fucking PERFECT. Spring/early summer finally arrived in time for U2.

And hey, you know, I get to see my favorite band tonight. So I'll make it through.
:hug: I'm sorry, Cori. Hopefully you're feeling better today.
Thanks. :) I fell all right. Had some toast, will just eat small things throughout the day to keep me going.

I remember in Vegas in '09 I had a miraculous recovery just in time to scarf down hamburgers from Jack in the Box on the way to the stadium. I'm hoping that happens again today! Ha.
Thanks. :) I fell all right. Had some toast, will just eat small things throughout the day to keep me going.

I remember in Vegas in '09 I had a miraculous recovery just in time to scarf down hamburgers from Jack in the Box on the way to the stadium. I'm hoping that happens again today! Ha.

Fingers crossed for you, then! Getting my spot in the inner circle was sheer dumb luck, but it was very awesome to be that close. I don't know how persnickety Seattle people are about spots, but I get the evil eye just for saying hello to an interferencer who was closer to the rail than me.

I'm bringing some supplies to the line in a little while (water, ear plugs, a radio so Thora can listen to the Canucks game), and I fully expect people to assume I'm totally cutting in line.

I'll make sure to announce my intentions loudly as I move "JUST VISITING! JUST VISITING!"
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