Random Facts and Confessions #9

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I finally started using Facebook two years after I first created the account.

Hah. I was the same way. Signed up for an account eons ago on an invite from an ex and then finally started using it a couple years later.
I'm finally on Facebook after years of being pestered and peer-pressured by certain Interferencers. :wink:

And in other news, I got a bit more ink yesterday. :shifty:
I got a call at work today from a professional headhunter. I'm kinda at a stage where I feel like maybe I should start looking for a better-paid job, so my heart just leapt from excitement, whereas my cynical side pointed out that surely this is a mistake because who the heck would headhunt a graphic designer? Naturally, my cynical side was right because the guy was after a wrong person :doh: Damn, my new high salary is not going to be handed to me on a silver plate after all!
Got parts of the test done today, so that in itself is a relief, but I'm not sure when I get the results back. Hopefully tomorrow *fingercrossed*. The ones that I really need to start freaking out about are coming up faster than I want it to :no: :crack:
I left a comment on one of my favourite pro-poler's statuses asking her to come up north and teach. She replied by writing on my wall that she'd love to and she wants to come do workshops in July. She's a USPDF champion and spokesperson for several commercial pole products. Translation for non-polers: It's like writing to The Edge that you want to learn guitar from him and having him personally respond.


Pics, videos, I can supply you with all of the above! :D It's actually been eons since I've recorded any of my practices. I'm overdue for a progress report. :giggle:

And omgggggggggg, the owner of the studio I train at is now in on it and talking about booking something. All because of my little comment. :hyper: I'm fangirling like a fool and turning myself inside out with excitement! :faint:
I can finally start my exams! I need to manage a big event involving animals for it ,
and it took WEEKS to plan, call email everyone involved,
untill the point where they actually said no this aint happening, but I completely solved that within a day :cabbagepatch:
This was the last day I could write myself in for the exams, and its going to happen!
WHOOO! I'm never really proud of myself but today, I really am.:dance:

Now I need to do all the paperwork.
I just ran into the sliding glass door between the kitchen and the breezeway, which I'd recently closed to keep the cats in while I was bringing in groceries. My head hurts--what a klutz! :angry:
I love how my colleagues still think that I'm oblivious that their :censored:ing each other... At work.
They really don't have any idea how bad they are at hiding it.

Really this is awkward.:down:
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