PGP: Waiting for U2 to Blow Out the Tumbleweeds

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
WOOOO! Way to go, VP!! :hyper: :hi5: That's so awesome!! Congrats!

I ended up coming back to work after I'd gone to the trade show (which was pretty good, and I got some good ideas). I was there for just 2 hours because I got there right as it opened, so I was able to zip through everything. I was tempted to just go home or go shopping, but I felt guilty so I just came back to the office. :lol: :reject: I'm such a damn goody two shoes. People were surprised to see me. :lol:

This pic screwed with my head today, y'all. I have never, ever seen Edge in a hat that wasn't perfectly set in a perfect straight line parallel to his eyebrows, at the perfect angle (figured out after what I'm sure was hours of equations) for maximum awesomeness.

Is this some form of Edge impostor with his sloppy hat? Was I secretly in the back of this car with him messing things up? Is the hat rebelling against him?

So many questions.
I feel bad for not popping in to say "O hai, am not dead!" sooner. Ever have one of those phases where keeping up with the internets seems more like a chore than fun?

Thanks so much, everyone! :hug: I'm heading to bed soon. :crack: :lol:

MTE, I tweeted you last night, not sure if you saw it. I have 322 tweets to catch up on since this morning. :scream:

I did! Kitties FTW!

For some reason, Tik Tok has become my Jasper kitty's theme song. Jasper is my "special little snowflake" who is afraid of butterflies and rainbows and air. But singing "Jasper woke up in the morning feeling like P Diddy, but that's ok because he is my kitty!" is SO. MUCH. FUN!

And congrats VP on whatever we're congratulating you on, since I am way too lazy to go catch up yet!
Damn, the one time I actually have a practical, urgent need for Facebook and the damned site is down! :angry:

Someone in Santiago told peopkiss that I was in Santiago too, and he just posted all "I'm trying to find Nick, and I don't know where he is! He told me you were down here, too - do you know where he is????"

Uh ..... not so much! I wanted to go message him on FB, in case he'd get a notification on his phone, but I can't get on the site! (And also laugh at him and ask why he thought I was in Santiago.)

I want to be helpful. :(
Yikes, I've missed a lot!

O hai thar, Plebans! :wave:

:ohmy: *rubs eyeballs* I was thinking about you today and wondering where you had run off with edge too. :sexywink:


This pic screwed with my head today, y'all. I have never, ever seen Edge in a hat that wasn't perfectly set in a perfect straight line parallel to his eyebrows, at the perfect angle (figured out after what I'm sure was hours of equations) for maximum awesomeness.

Is this some form of Edge impostor with his sloppy hat? Was I secretly in the back of this car with him messing things up? Is the hat rebelling against him?

So many questions.

So beardy :ohmy: :love:

Congrats VP! :applaud:
I've been trying to find all you guys, you should have requests from me. :reject: If I haven't found you yet, just send me one!

And I have no clue what I'm doing over there, so if I seem to be ignoring you or something, I'm not I swear!
I've been trying to find all you guys, you should have requests from me. :reject: If I haven't found you yet, just send me one!

And I have no clue what I'm doing over there, so if I seem to be ignoring you or something, I'm not I swear!

*g* Will PM you as you won't find me unless you search through some of the other girls' friends lists... and I have no clue what your real name is :lol:
I've been trying to find all you guys, you should have requests from me. :reject: If I haven't found you yet, just send me one!

And I have no clue what I'm doing over there, so if I seem to be ignoring you or something, I'm not I swear!

I don't spend much time on FB as it is, and even less lately... :reject: I'll try to track you down. :shifty:
That doesn't sound good. :(

I hate to beat a dead horse but this interview shit is driving me crazy. Today I got an email. The standard "we regret to inform you..." I was all :scratch: and then I panicked. So I called every human resources number I could find, emailed everyone I could. About 25 minutes later I get a response: "oops, sorry, our mistake. See you for your interview on Monday." I just cried I was so pissed/stressed/ freaked out.

Then I went to run with a new coach/group tonight and got my ass handed to me.

I'm just tired and want to stop.

and I'm trying really hard not to drink through all this, tryin'a be all zen and sh*t :rolleyes:
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