Things I Hate Part 'Why The Feck Do We Hate So Much Stuff?'

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She was—she was a little younger than me. Probably about 16. Anyhow, she had a tooth infection and raccoons tore up part of her face, and my parents went in and got her put down this afternoon *sigh* My dad didn't want her in the house for her last days...

God that's pretty damn awful! I'm sorry for your loss. :hug:
KhanadaRhodes said:
ugh, i know. i wonder how many of them were actually said by her too, since searching for them just leads to a bunch of blogs.

I've seen FOUR different ones today. And of course everybody's favourite, the "can't handle me at my worst don't deserve me at my best" was the most common, usually followed by an average of two <3s.
i'm really, really tempted to post something like "I'm actually a big slut with severe mental issues who couldn't keep a loving man around to save myself" ~ Marilyn Monroe <3<3<3

but i won't.
I've seen FOUR different ones today. And of course everybody's favourite, the "can't handle me at my worst don't deserve me at my best" was the most common, usually followed by an average of two <3s.
i know! that's the first one i thought of too.

i hate adults who describe using the bathroom as "going potty".

what are you, retarded?
god, seriously. my grandma does that crap (though she says tinkle which is possibly even worse, i'm not sure) and it drives me up the wall. i feel bad whining (or should i say whinging now?) about it these days but oh well.
Crappy days. Yeah, they suck. Never like to be going to sleep feelin' like shit.
Facing people. As opposed to avoiding them, which I would like very much. A day off would be nice too.
Really wanting to do something, but shyness and insecurity are getting in the way!:|
Facing people. As opposed to avoiding them, which I would like very much. A day off would be nice too.

I was totally right about sucked today. So I'm adding to the list—once again, people who won't shut up about how they hate Bono; and being ignored.

And college sites not giving the reasons for rejecting my application :| I'd like to at least know why
College application processes are stupid and inaccurate. Don't feel upset if you got rejected, because they make some of the dumbest decisions themselves.
Some guys at me school who pretend to like me to freak me out and then laugh at my reaction.
And that kid in my science class who follows everything spoken with "That's what she said..." even when it doesn't make sense.
:yuck: to teenage boys.
So... took 30 minutes to drive my cousin to the airport and come back to campus...

took 40 minutes to get a parking spot.

things I hate.
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