PGP - getting Mullened on some Irish Liquor

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Love the gifts you've all gotten! :giggle:

I'm intrigued about the Black Swan movie, but I scare too damn easily. :lol: :reject:

We've had a glorious day so far. Delicious brunch with many mimosas, hours on the beach, broken up by Mai Tai runs, and eventually we'll be heading to dinner that will inevitably include a bottle or two of wine. :drunk: :giggle:

Tomorrow we're going to San Francisco, so that should be fun. We're planning on renting a car for a few hours and heading down to the Fisherman's Wharf area for a while since we have a ridiculously long layover between arriving from Hawaii and when our next plane to Vancouver leaves. Hopefully we'll find some place delicious to have dinner. :drool:
Merry Christmas to my wonderful friends!! Hope you all have a great holiday :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope Santa was good to you all. Did anyone get any U2 goodies???

I got two U2 mugs (one has the War album cover and one as the Under a Blood Red Sky cover). My mom also gave me this amazing blanket she got made for me which has my picture on it from when I posed with that big picture of them at the Toronto show. I'll post pics later :wink:

Also, my mom is always trying to beat me at knowing something about U2 first, it's our little inside joke cuz she never beats me hahaha. Anyways she found something U2 that I've never heard of. It's a lullaby cd that was made for kids that they made a bunch of U2 songs into lullaby form. She bought it as a joke to show me that she could beat me, which she did :lol:

Your U2 related gifts are really lovely Kristen :up:

My dad got me U2 FAQ by John D. Luerssen
Sounds like it's been a wonderful time Thora! :love:

It has been! :love: I don't want to leave. I wish I could live here forever! :lol:

Thora, I'll text you but if you're in SF for dinner let me know. I'll text you my #.

Aww, it would be so nice to see you! :hug: Because of the way things are working out for tomorrow with my parents, I don't think it will work out to meet up with you. :sad: My phone is dead and I don't have my charger with me, so I won't be able to get your text anyway. What a stupid thing for me to forget to bring. :tsk: So sorry! We have to be back at the airport around dinner time anyway, so we'll either be having a late lunch or an early dinner in the city. Thanks in advance for the text, and hopefully we can meet up another time! Sucks to be in the same city as you, yet be unable to hang out. :hug:

Off to bed with me. We have to get up at 4:30am tomorrow. :crack: :lol:

G'night, all!
Btw, you're totally welcome to hang with us for Christmas, and then you can be annoyed by a different family. ;)
Just sitting around now, watching the kittens freak out over their new tunnel and other toys and wrapping paper, .... ....Then just after lunch, we're picking my mom up and going to my sister's for the rest of the day.
> :lol:

> :lol::cute: kittahs & new Cat presents and the perverbial wrapping "Instant Toy" Paper ritual !

> hope your later afternoon family get togther went well!

yay for U2 singles and T-shirt!

I'll bring BonoCat and it can be our first blended family Christmas! :D

Oh yeah and it'd be nice if Royal Mail would deliver my pretty scarf and if we'd all get an Irishman for New Year.: shifty:
What a grerat idea! :up:

While trying to find a U2 Christmas pic, I came across this...

Somehow, I thought of you guys! :hmm:
are we THAT obvious!??! :wink:

The Xmas Bat is made of win. : love :
LOL. I finally got to see the photo of it earlier in this thread or the last one!
Glad you're feeling more better! :hug:

My dad got me U2 FAQ by John D. Luerssen
Cool! enjoy!

Great U2 gifts from Mot! :applaud:

Kristen: lol score 1 for mom!

Thora: Yay foir another lovely vacation! Safe Traveling and sat to San Fransisco for me!

Sounds like everyone started out in a good way on Christmas day! I hope it all stayed good for the rest of it!
on the other hand.....

We're getting a Blizzard Sunday late morning/afternoonish into 6PM monday! :|

my sis is supposed to fly out to The Caribbean Monday Morning !

:uhoh: ....maybeeeee.....not! :yikes:

I just heard over news many major air lines are waiving fees for changed travel flights.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Still didn't find Bono under my tree... Maybe because I didn't actually have a tree this year... :lol:
Still didn't find Bono under my tree... Maybe because I didn't actually have a tree this year... :lol:

:grumpy: Damn, that's it !!!

Hope you had a great day, rebel!

*goes to hide under the covers nao*

:no::sad: Does not want BLIZZARD starting to arrive in mid-late morning or so !!!

Just thought I'd make my wishes perfectly clear! :shifty:

hey, yooohooo >>> GG2 or Etarian- PLZ adopt this blizzard, Stat! :wave:

I didn't want to rip open the wrapping because they were so cute under my tree all week. :cute:


But when I opened them it was even better :lol:


Bono = Bono Cookies

Edge = Edge Shaving Cream

Adam = "What About Adam" Perfume

Larry = Coffee is Like Kissing book By Larry's Beans


:lmao: Oh god she got you the Edge shaving cream!!!!

That's some well thought pressies. :cute:
Kristen, I will be on and off all day...:shifty:

I love the mug. He wrote a note saying now I could have tea with Bono and the boys every morning! Good hubby!:wink:

I can't wait for Wednesday!!!!:hyper:
Hey everyone. :wave: Hope you all had a great day yesterday. :)

We had a really nice time. Good food and good company. Was bone tired by the time we got home last night. Went to bed at my (now) usual time and then shut my alarm off this morning and slept for another two hours. Hope it doesn't screw me up for getting to sleep tonight. :uhoh:

Was just going to laze around today, and cook our turkey tomorrow, but I changed my mind a while ago, and we're going to have it today. The thought of a turkey dinner seemed kind of overwhelming, but once it's in the oven, there's not *that* much to do. So, my day is going to consist of doing that, and in between, snuggling on the couch under a blanket, and continuing our Dexter season 5 marathon (I've seen it, but Sarah hasn't).
We're getting hit by a blizzard. :scream: I called out of work. I really don't want to be stranded there or worse, risk my mom getting hurt when she comes to pick me up or after she drops me off. I live 20 minutes away, and my workplace is smack dab in the middle of what will be the hardest hit area.
^ sounds like a good idea to stay in DG :uhoh: Stay inside and safe!

VP: Dexter marathon :love: My daughters gave me a Dexter doll and a color changing Dexter mug. (it's black but when it gets warm it changes to white with blood spatters) :lol: I gotta get a picture. Hubby got a Dexter kill shirt and one daughter got Lumen's kill shirt.
^ sounds like a good idea to stay in DG :uhoh: Stay inside and safe!

VP: Dexter marathon :love: My daughters gave me a Dexter doll and a color changing Dexter mug. (it's black but when it gets warm it changes to white with blood spatters) :lol: I gotta get a picture. Hubby got a Dexter kill shirt and one daughter got Lumen's kill shirt.

VERY cool, especially the mug! :drool: As were the gifts that you posted pics of earlier.

Sarah's making me laugh. Apparently it's all over the news/internet that Justin Bieber went shopping at a mall at noon today in the city where she goes to school. Accompanied by police and security. Nothing like a little low-key boxing day shopping. :lol:

Stay safe and warm, DG and Dazzled!

eta - awesome pic! And LOL at them not clearing off the counter! Kids. :wink:
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