Yay! Bono actually declined something!

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haha I mean it's the finishing move. Going from Bono status to Mick Jagger status. From falling through the ice to freezing in the water.
90% of "the youth" have no idea who he is, the other 10% think he's a royal douchebag.

Lets be fair here:

45% of 'the youth' have no idea who he is
10% of them know who he is but dont know who U2 is, or that he is their singer
20% think he is a royal douchebag
20% really couldn't care less about Bono or U2, and have no opinion or have never heard their music
5% like Bono or more (think he's awesome)

I am (was? do I qualify anymore?) one of those 5% people.
Highly unlikely... I mean he's got other things to do than run his own show at the moment. U2 isn't exactly a domestic band.

Besides, what the hell could Bono possibly do with his own TV show. Stand up comedy?
Bono's favorite things

Was it even a serious offer? Oprah was probably just being polite in the way that normal people offer their guests cups of tea, Oprah offers hers tv shows.

It probably went something like this:

Oprah's people: "Who should we offer shows to? Hey, how about Bono?"

Bono and/or Bono's people: "No, but thank you for thinking of me/him."

That's probably how much of a serious offer it was.


"YOU get Bono shades! And YOU get Bono shades! EVERYBODYYYYYY GETS BONOOOOO SHAAAAADES!!!!"
Ha! It's like in the football Stuck video, where Larry busts out into cheering. He could pull out hysterics when called upon, too! :wink:
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