Random Music Talk XXI: Check Out This F@&!#%' Shouter

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What is "four loko"?

It's a drink. I think it's supposed to be a cross between a caffeinated soft drink, an energy drink, and booze. It's controversial here because it's got a high volume of alcohol in it, and because caffeine, to an extent, counteracts the effects of alcohol and delays the consumer from feeling the alcohol's effects, people drink too much of it because they don't realize how drunk they are yet, and this leads to dangerous situations. I think that's the gist of it.

I personally think it's a stupid-ass idea; I've never had it and I don't plan to.
Ohh right. I can see how that's both controversial and popular amongst college kids. I ask because it comes up a lot on this funny site I read, textsfromlastnight.com, which is exactly what it sounds.
and because it's energy drink caffienated, and they drink assloads of it, kids have been known to drink themselves into having ekg changes. :huh: or so i've been told, only drunk college kids i've transported to the hospital have been shitfaced the old fashioned way.
imagine you're in college and your roommate's cell plays that song for a ringer. she's hardly ever there in the room, but she doesn't bring her phone when she leaves and people call her constantly, so imagine hearing two lines from the chorus whined on as a ringtone at least a dozen times a day.

i think we're talking about the same song. i'd look it up to double check, but i might fly into a homicidal rage if i hear one note of that song ever again, and i'm actually in a half-decent mood right now.

it's a minor miracle i never chucked the damn phone out the window.
It's a drink. I think it's supposed to be a cross between a caffeinated soft drink, an energy drink, and booze. It's controversial here because it's got a high volume of alcohol in it, and because caffeine, to an extent, counteracts the effects of alcohol and delays the consumer from feeling the alcohol's effects, people drink too much of it because they don't realize how drunk they are yet, and this leads to dangerous situations. I think that's the gist of it.

I personally think it's a stupid-ass idea; I've never had it and I don't plan to.

Fun fact: Four Loko was brewed in my hometown, La Crosse. Woot Wisconsin binge drinking!


Also, Four Tet should be acknowledged for making the perfect electronica music. Good for dancing or homeworking and writing final papers...it's the ideal music.
I actually don't know anything about Four Tet. The only Tet I know about is a Vietnamese holiday.

What do you want for Christmas, scumbo?
I actually knew about and drank Four Loko way before it became famous (and, for the record, was not a big fan - it tastes like shit). I'm even a hipster alcoholic. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about that.
Fun fact: Four Loko was brewed in my hometown, La Crosse. Woot Wisconsin binge drinking!

Also, Four Tet should be acknowledged for making the perfect electronica music. Good for dancing or homeworking and writing final papers...it's the ideal music.

Ha, I spent some time at the University of Wisconsin and learned quite quickly that it certainly earns its designation as the beer-consumption capital of US universities. At my orientation, we were required to hear a talk about the dangers of alcoholism for grad students. Then, at the welcome picnic, the department provided three kegs. It was quite the mixed message.

And I agree about Four Tet. "Angel Echoes" is one of the finest electronica tracks that I have heard.
I'd never heard of Four Loco until a bunch of Washington State University students were rushed to the hospital from some house party. Apparently the original thought was that they'd either a) all had some awful reaction to whatever drug they'd taken; or b) they were all dosed with something by someone with nefarious intent.

But nope, they were all sick from Four Loco. I believe it's now been banned in Washington.
I've opted not to listen to it until next year since I'm going to go ahead and be divisive and count it as a 2011 release.
I can't wait to hear it. I'll break my "not buying albums on iTunes" rule and get it next Tuesday, as I don't want to wait until February to buy the physical CD and hear it then.
I'd never heard of Four Loco until a bunch of Washington State University students were rushed to the hospital from some house party. Apparently the original thought was that they'd either a) all had some awful reaction to whatever drug they'd taken; or b) they were all dosed with something by someone with nefarious intent.

But nope, they were all sick from Four Loco. I believe it's now been banned in Washington.
I had to hear a lecture about that story. My understanding is they got called to a house party and everyone was passed out, so they assumed everyone got date rape drugged, and instead they found everyone just drank a shit ton of Four Loko.

It's getting banned everywhere. The beer distributors are pissed, shit sells like hotcakes. It's mad cheap, too.
Idiots that would rather be intoxicated than, you know, doing something with their life are so sad about the bans on their beloved Four Loko. This country is ridiculously depraved.
Four Loko is not one of the major problems facing America. It's basically college kids who would have just ripped shots and chugged beers instead. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but to say the country's depraved for that reason is a little much.
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