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That was the first I've heard it called that too when Edge said that. :hmm: But maybe he just calls Glastonbury that for short and did the same with the song.

oops... sorry Edge... i didn't mean you, obviously!

So Steve lillywhite thought Prid sounded better live than the studio?? thank God he didn't get hired for the Unforgettable fire.
I may be wrong here, but i doubt the version we've heard is the one that will be officially released.
Firstly, if EBW is indeed the first single (or even second, third, etc), u2 probably want the song to sound fresh when it's released - as in, have a version that no one has heard before, and will want to buy. If they play a full version now, everyone will have heard it months before its release, and it would probably flop as a single. Playing an acoustic version is like a teaser!
Secondly, the band seem to want to play a gentle, acoustic song at that point in their set list, accompanied by ISHFWILF, then in a little while. So maybe they think a full out, rocking version of EBW would disrupt that portion of the setlist?
But yeah, i think the first point would explain why we're only hearing a stripped down version.


Who says the stripped down version is what we'll get on the album ? :sigh:

This is just what they're doing live, the songs are likely full band (considering EBW descriptions and NS being labeled an "acoustic version" in the set) in the "studio" version, and NS/Glastonbury with Bono's lyrical changes between Turin rehearsals and the live versions indicate they're a work in progress. Imagine getting the live version of Bad in studio. MW with the extra solo in the end etc.

I seem to recall several posts in the past almost begging for exactly what they're doing now : playing new/unreleased material live before recording. And there's still whining...
I seem to recall several posts in the past almost begging for exactly what they're doing now : playing new/unreleased material live before recording. And there's still whining...
Yup. What U2 is doing this leg is unprecedented in their history. In fact, few popular bands play unfinished material live.
I don't think the same people are whining, though. Because the umbrella of U2's fanbase is so wide, the band will always have a few disgruntled admirers at some point.
I remember people talking about One and Mysterious Ways.. that they were better than the album version after they had played them live.
I have no problem with them playing unreleased songs... frankly my biggest set list issue is that its the same damn thing as last time.

But, you know what, they are playing to crowds that haven't seen this show. It is a very tightly orchestrated spectacle, U2 in and of itself doesn't lend itself to much spontaneity, but that is even more true when it comes to pulling off a show like this, they seem to have found what they think works with the stage/visuals and highlights material, new, old, and unreleased in the case of this leg. It isn't like they're playing an arena tour where they're doing at least two shows in a row in the same place where it is very likely that there will be a large presence of repeat audience members and still playing the same set. They're playing to huge crowds, which for us diehards are going to be populated with people who don't know deep cuts, or would rather rock than be mystified by YBR or UC.

For another thing, some of these shows this keg are in places they haven't been to in a long time, or ever until now. They're going to put on a show that the audience is going to respond to, and one that they're well rehearsed in, to that crowd it is all new, and they're going to want to see plenty of songs they've loved for years, and to be blown away with tight playing and well timed spectacle.

The only ones who "suffer" are those of us that aren't even there, we'd just rather salivate when something unexpected comes up in setlist party, kets not get mad at U2 for doing their job.
Have there been any real changes to how they are playing these songs though? I haven't been following the progress closely. A different word or line in the lyrics, or shifting between acoustic/edgechimey is not evidence of developing versions of a song. If there's suddenly a dramatic change - completely different section or structure somewhere, wholly new lyrics across a large chunk of, or whole verse or whatever - that would be evidence of a song shifting in development, or of them trying different options not yet locked down.

And Bono asking for an on the spot "how about we do the middle 8 again" or whatever it was, is cute, but probably bullshit. Remember that No Line 'live' in the studio they did for, I think, the BBC? Bono kept talking over the song, "Okay, now the middle 8, alriiight, and into the chorus!" while the bemused band just played the version of the song that they were only days away from releasing. I'd say its likely just similar theatrics.

I'm certainly not whining, I think it's fucking fantastic that they're doing this, and EBW has really grown on me - the thought of it really being a slow building, electronic monster really really excites me - but on the two likely SoA tracks, I don't think U2 are really giving too much away here, nor are they yet showing any evidence of developing the songs as they go. They might yet do that of course, and it would be cool to see them do it. But at the moment, the complete cynic in me wouldn't mind betting that at least EBW is effectively a done deal, maybe NS too (Glastonbury certainly appears to be), and that they're doing this simply to add something new to the tour, and in this Edge/Bono only way on those two likely 'next album' tracks, doing it in a way that gives absolutely nothing away.
I was just going to post this exact same thing, if the song is called Glasto then it's time for me to jump ship!!:wink:

me too! lol!!! i won't be able to bear it if U2 fans everywhere are saying "Glasto", oh the pain lol!!
What kind of song would be a good first single? Opinions?

if they're interested in a hit song, I think they'd be smart to release one of their trademark U2 ballads instead of another big rawk song. EBW might be a smart option
Don't try and stand-alone write a single this time. Try and create a great album. Choose the best song off it. Simple. Don't spend a year working on an album, then freak out and spend the next few months trying to hammer a 'big' song or two onto it. Trust the quality of a great album, and you won't need the (sales) quantity of a big single. Simple!
Mercy has a new chorus?

Sounds like single material now.

and otherwise beautiful
damn, that riff/loop is an absolute killer, glad they did not tweak it too much since the demo version
they could make a fifteen min version of that f**cking thing, this is by far the best tune they've done in the 2000 era :up:
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