PGP:Going back in time to scratch at Pop Bono's door!

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Jem you are so lucky you get to see SP again :drool :

I know. :drool::hug:

They are only doing 2 shows here and Holland so far this year ( *glares at GG - you should go anyway, I'm braving going by myself, you might regret it otherwise ;) :hug : ( Or i would, maybe you're not so bothered as much as me, but if thats all thats putting you off GO FOR IT :) )

Wish some of you girls from US/Canada could come, Anji also LOVES Snow Patrol but can't afford it. So sad or we cold have had a PPG posse. :rockon ::love:

Will def get what pics a I can and record Run for you :heart: ( as long as Security aren't asses. :lol: )

Might try meet them after. :lol: ( Hello nothing better to do if going by myself. ;) )

That song I put the link to makes me all teary. :-( :heart::lol: Friends. :love:
:hug: No probs. Think they are supposed to be doing a new album this year so hopefully will tour it next your so you might get to see them then. ( You will also have time to save up as no U2 :lol: )

Yeah would be awesome meeting them, not a normal concert venue though so not holding hopes up. Read some where though that gary normally stops the tourbus if fans are about so theres hope yet. Hes a U2 fanboy aswell ( Who isn't :lol: ) so thats my means of chatting to him. :lol::cute::love:

Aside from SP talk how are you? :hug:
:lol :

Ya U2 withdrawl is gonna suck :sad : :-(

At least we have a support group here :grouphug:

U2 withdrawal sucks. :sad::lol:

We will sooo need that support group. :grouphug::sad::|:crack: Its not just the end of tour, its no travelling for the tour, the meet ups with the girls, its like the mini end of an era. :sad: /end sentimalism. :kiss:

I SOOO NEED TO TRAVEL AFTER THIS TOUR. :love: ( Real travelling or I will never get a chance to. Unless I marry someone rich. :shifty: )

:hug : hyper:: hyper:: drool::chuckbassclings:

:lmao: Yes you are stuck with the Bass clings as long as our adoration is alive for him. :kiss:

I want a real life Bass cling. Guh!! :combust::faint:: shifty: I Owe you a PM, thanks for the news. Will catch up tommorow. :kiss ::hug:

So exciting for you, the opening of the Olympics. :hyper:

Hi hon! :hug: :chuckbassclings: right back atcha! :wink: I love it, and it makes me laugh every time I see it! :lol:

OMG - seeing him in real life would be SO utterly fabulous!

I've been watching Olympics for like 5 hours now. :lmao: My eyes are going a little crossed. :lol: Watching Women's hockey game - Canada vs Slovakia. Just a few minutes into the game, and we're winning 2-0 already. :hi5:
Hi hon! :hug : :chuckbassclings: right back atcha! :wink : I love it, and it makes me laugh every time I see it! :lol :

OMG - seeing him in real life would be SO utterly fabulous!

I've been watching Olympics for like 5 hours now. :lmao : My eyes are going a little crossed. :lol : Watching Women's hockey game - Canada vs Slovakia. Just a few minutes into the game, and we're winning 2-0 already. :hi5 :

:hi5: Glad you love it, much more of those where they came from. ;) :shifty::lol:

Maybe we could save up to stalk NYC after the tour and try time it with GG filming. :combust::lmao:

:lmao: Am sure you are not he only person who feels they have watched too much of it. You have a right to anyway as you are hosting it. :)

Yay GO CANADA!! :hi5: The only time I won't want you guys to win is if you're playing GB and to be honest we normally suck at winter games so I don't hold out much hope. :lol:

^ (Having said that I don't understand the rules of Ice Hockey at all ) :lol: For anyone who is into Ice dancing though the town next to mine normally has a big Ice Dancing show throughout the summer season. ( Blackpool Pleasure Beach Hot Ice Show )They cancelled it last year though due to the recession. :( Hope they do it this year, alot of figure skaters normally dance in it. :)
Gah sorry about slow replys. Trying to catch up with things and post here. :) :reject:

I see my cousin ( who works for Greenpeace) next weekend :hyper: so can work on her for entry to Glastonbury, wanna plead with her in person. :lol::heart: I've not seen her since Sept. ( Just after getting home from Boston ) :sad::heart:
:hi5: Glad you love it, much more of those where they came from. ;) :shifty ::lol:

Maybe we could save up to stalk NYC after the tour and try time it with GG filming. :combust::lmao :

:lmao: Am sure you are not he only person who feels they have watched too much of it. You have a right to anyway as you are hosting it. :)

Yay GO CANADA!! :hi5: The only time I won't want you guys to win is if you're playing GB and to be honest we normally suck at winter games so I don't hold out much hope. :lol :

^ (Having said that I don't understand the rules of Ice Hockey at all ) :lol: For anyone who is into Ice dancing though the town next to mine normally has a big Ice Dancing show throughout the summer season. ( Blackpool Pleasure Beach Hot Ice Show )They cancelled it last year though due to the recession. :( Hope they do it this year, alot of figure skaters normally dance in it. :)

Excellent! I look forward to many more clings like that! :giggle: It would be so fun to stalk him while he's filming. But that would require me to be able to afford to go to NYC. At this rate, who knows when that will be possible.

I don't think you guys have a hockey team, so I doubt we'll be competing against your country much. We have over 200 athletes competing, which is like the 2nd biggest country, I think.

I'm not an ice dancing fan, but that's cool that they put on a show in your area!

Now it's 7-0 for Canada, with about 3 minutes left in the 1st. I kinda feel embarrassed for the Slovakian team. I mean, there was no question that they'd ever win a medal, but still. We're beating them to a pulp. There's still over 40 minutes left to play. It could get up to 20 goals for Canada. :huh: :lol:
Excellent! I look forward to many more clings like that! :giggle : It would be so fun to stalk him while he's filming. But that would require me to be able to afford to go to NYC. At this rate, who knows when that will be possible.

I don't think you guys have a hockey team, so I doubt we'll be competing against your country much. We have over 200 athletes competing, which is like the 2nd biggest country, I think.

I'm not an ice dancing fan, but that's cool that they put on a show in your area!

Now it's 7-0 for Canada, with about 3 minutes left in the 1st. I kinda feel embarrassed for the Slovakian team. I mean, there was no question that they'd ever win a medal, but still. We're beating them to a pulp. There's still over 40 minutes left to play. It could get up to 20 goals for Canada. :huh : :lol :

I can't afford it either at this point haha. Maybe one day. Wishful thinking. :drool: ( Then again we'd have to compete with 14 yr old fangirls I bet. :angry::lol::reject:

Yes I don't think we have a hockey team either. Let me just look up what we have. ( Shouldn't be along list. lol )

OK heres our list. ;-)

Go TEAM GB!!! :love: Bless them, apart from the indoor events we don't really get much winter weather here. :lol::heart:

Athletes : Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics

Wow 200. :ohmy:

I don't know loads about Ice Dancing but its kinda like ballet on ice, fun to watch. No one matches Torvill and Dean though. :sad:

I just wrote a HUGE reply to my sister and lost it. Damn facebook. :madwife:

Poor Slovak team. :uhoh: Still am sure they just enjoyed the experience and the travelling to Canada. :)
One of the announcers of the game (she used to play on the Women's hockey team) just made a great point about the game. Yes, it's lopsided, and Canada will win this game, barring a miracle, but it's a great opportunity for the other team to get experience and to play the game. Sometimes the funding isn't there in smaller countries, so this is a great way to promote women's hockey all over the world. Makes total sense. :up:

Canada just scored again, and they're playing Elevation! :D
I just wrote a HUGE reply to my sister and lost it. Damn facebook. :madwife:

Poor Slovak team. :uhoh: Still am sure they just enjoyed the experience and the travelling to Canada. :)

FB has been awful for that, especially in the messages area. I've lost so many replies there, I try not to use it unless absolutely necessary. Or, I just type it up in Word, then copy & paste.

For sure! I'm sure it's a great honour for them to be there. They're putting up a decent fight - at least they're not constantly tripping and falling over on their faces or anything! :D
Elevation. :rockon:

Yes its true. I imagine as a team not in a country with many winter sports ( hehe lets face it, we don't get alot of winter weather ;) ) I think even we don't get alot of funding. Who knows how little the tiny country's get. Its still a good experience for them. :) Have a ball Slovak players. :up:
FB has been awful for that, especially in the messages area. I've lost so many replies there, I try not to use it unless absolutely necessary. Or, I just type it up in Word, then copy & paste.

For sure! I'm sure it's a great honour for them to be there. They're putting up a decent fight - at least they're not constantly tripping and falling over on their faces or anything! :D

FB = fail at the moment. :sad: I so wish I had copy and pasted. I will just redo it......err later today ( Tis 2am here ). :lol:

Yay well done to them. :) :up::D

Just read this. Don't click out of the link, there might be spoilers. :uhoh::lol:

Forth. :drool:

Gossip Girl Season 4 Announcement Expected Soon - Gossip Girl Insider
FB = fail at the moment. :sad : I so wish I had copy and pasted. I will just redo it......err later today ( Tis 2am here ). :lol :

Yay well done to them. :) :up :: D

Just read this. Don't click out of the link, there might be spoilers. :uhoh::lol :

Forth. :drool:

Gossip Girl Season 4 Announcement Expected Soon - Gossip Girl Insider

Awesome!! Yeah, I'm avoiding spoilers at all costs, but I'm glad to hear it will most likely be back again next season!


I read somewhere about the organisers shipping in Snow. Is that true? :lol:


Oooh him laying back on the bed. Oh yes I would. :combust::drool:


Hot Gossip Girl Cast Picture - Gossip Girl Insider

Yup - snow has been shipped in to one of the mountains, because it's been raining and above freezing, so there was no new snow, and the stuff already there was melting. :crack: Not so good!

:lol: I love how you fangirl all over him! :cute:

13-0 for Canada now. :giggle:
Awesome!! Yeah, I'm avoiding spoilers at all costs, but I'm glad to hear it will most likely be back again next season!

Yup - snow has been shipped in to one of the mountains, because it's been raining and above freezing, so there was no new snow, and the stuff already there was melting. :crack : Not so good!

:lol: I love how you fangirl all over him! :cute:

13-0 for Canada now. :giggle :

Yeah, that's so awesome, though we need Season 3 first. :waiting::angry::shifty:

Just watched the preview you were on about. Hadn't seen this one only one from before Xmas. OMFG!! :combust::drool:

That is insane about the snow. I bet typical fashion of when you needed it, it was one of the few recent years they actually need the snow shipping in. :lol:

Am on total fan girl mode again now the new episodes are upcoming. :combust: :lol:

Yay Canada. :lol:

Have just made some toast. :drool:
The preview is definitely awesome. :drool: Every time I see it, I wish it were March already. :lol:

I've never heard of any place having to have snow shipped in before. This is definitely out of the norm. It's not such a big deal if it's warm any other winter up on the mountain, but obviously this is slightly more important for there to be plenty of snow. :wink:

Mmm... toast! I haven't decided what I want to have for dinner yet. I had a snack about 3 hours ago, so I probably won't have dinner for another hour, but I don't have much food in the house. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow, but I just may be stuck with eating taquitos for tonight. :giggle:
I have watched it 6 times already. :reject ::combust ::lol :

:lmao : Yup kinda an issue when you have an Olympic's to host. This crazy weather. You Canadians could have done with the snow Europe was having. :wink: :lol ::hug :

Hee hee!

Yeah, feel free to send that snow over to our mountains! :wink:

Smiley limits. :sad :

I just had to look up Taquitos. :reject ::lol :

I should go to bed now. Meeting my friend later today to go to town. Must get up before 2pm today. :crack ::reject ::shifty ::lol:

Awesome to see you, sweet or not so sweet :shifty: Bass dreams. :tongue:


You are DEFINITELY the smiley queen. :wink:

So nice to see you too! :love: :hug: G'night!

Okay, Canada's now winning 16-0, and has tied the record for the most goals for one team in a hockey game. I'm pretty sure they'll be smashing that record. :wink:
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