PGP-Preparing for an epic U2010!

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Drea, I thought you might be interested in this. there's a 2 song appearance from Swedish tv in '81 called MANDAGSBORGSEN 1981. It's probably on You Tube, most of these are. Anyway, Adam has his baby 'fro in a small ponytail in the back. :cute:
Really?? what is it about it that appeals to you?

(not that it's not a great song, it is...I'm just always curious about things like this.)

It's a great song, and I can relate to the lyrics about the struggle with a parent. "You can't even remember what I'm trying to forget," especially hits a nerve with me. It's the fights I have had with my father, and during many if them he was so shitfaced he wouldn't remember what happened. Or he likes to pretend nothing is wrong, but I'm hurting. And "you need someone to blame, throw a rock in the air you'll hit someone guilty." is so him. He blames everyone for his problems, without looking at himself.

Also, on a lighter note, I :heart: Edge's solo and Adam's bass playing is amazing in the sing too.
It's a great song, and I can relate to the lyrics about the struggle with a parent. "You can't even remember what I'm trying to forget," especially hits a nerve with me. It's the fights I have had with my father, and during many if them he was so shitfaced he wouldn't remember what happened. Or he likes to pretend nothing is wrong, but I'm hurting. And "you need someone to blame, throw a rock in the air you'll hit someone guilty." is so him. He blames everyone for his problems, without looking at himself.

Also, on a lighter note, I :heart: Edge's solo and Adam's bass playing is amazing in the sing too.

Aw. :hug: That IS a great line, and a great song overall.

There are so many lines that remind me of people in my life, some positive, some negative. "you ask me to enter, but then you make me crawl...?" My ex, Sarah's dad.
Watching this, I realize how fucking lucky I was last tour to see so many older, unexpected songs play. I really ran into a run of varied setlists. :heart: Gloria was just on.

They played Gloria on 12/5. I saw them 12/4. :angry: It was on my list of 5 songs I really wanted to hear. Ah well, 4 out of 5 isn't bad. :wink:

You were indeed lucky. :)
I suck at picking favourites. I never can. I always say that my favourite is whatever I'm listening to at the time, and very often that's true. What I love about them is their diversity, and each album I listen to seems to compliment or evoke a different mood. The only thing I'm not overly fond of in their catalogue is most of the back end of ATYCLB. And even then I don't hate it, I'm just indifferent to it.

That gets you labelled a sheep around here in some forums, but whatever, that's how it is for me. I'm too old to care about labels.

So how's the ex revenge going? :hyper:
I don't like ATYCLB at all. Beautiful Day and Elevation and Walk On are decent, but the rest I can take or leave. Mostly leave.

Ex revenge is going to be awesome. I just found a link that will be most helpful. Salt Lake PD, FTW.
They played Gloria on 12/5. I saw them 12/4. :angry: It was on my list of 5 songs I really wanted to hear. Ah well, 4 out of 5 isn't bad. :wink:

You were indeed lucky. :)

Damn, that sucks. I feel so awful when I hear of people who don't get to hear their favourite songs.

I kind of went in with no expectations, and it was amazing. Before this tour, for one of the static setlist bitching threads, I compiled a list of my shows and all the different songs I heard, and I think it was something like 36 songs in 8 shows. i was very, very lucky indeed.

All that said, I wish they'd kept Electrical Storm in the setlist this tour, I thought they did an amazing job of it!
I don't like ATYCLB at all. Beautiful Day and Elevation and Walk On are decent, but the rest I can take or leave. Mostly leave.

Ex revenge is going to be awesome. I just found a link that will be most helpful. Salt Lake PD, FTW.

Beautiful Day has joined that overplayed category for me, as have many of their classics. Even Streets has little effect on me now, and that's like the holy grail of U2 fans. But I do recognize that it's because of the whole overplayed syndrome, and not anything lacking in the song, at least for me.
Well, I wasn't dissapointed. I got to hear Original Of The Species, Bad, Until The End Of The World(and got a Bono wink :love: ), and Fast Cars(even though Bono completely mangled it. :lol: ). I would have been happy to hear 1 or 2 of those songs. But hearing 4 was awesome. It was just my luck they play Gloria the bight AFTER I see them though. :lol: Still, it was my first show, and my one and only on the tour. It was amazing.
Beautiful Day has joined that overplayed category for me, as have many of their classics. Even Streets has little effect on me now, and that's like the holy grail of U2 fans. But I do recognize that it's because of the whole overplayed syndrome, and not anything lacking in the song, at least for me.

Yeah, Beautiful Day is like that for me. Not one of my favorites, but I enjoy it. And I fell in love with Streets after seeing the Elevation versions. To me, they're incredibly powerful. :heart:
Beautiful Day has joined that overplayed category for me, as have many of their classics. Even Streets has little effect on me now, and that's like the holy grail of U2 fans. But I do recognize that it's because of the whole overplayed syndrome, and not anything lacking in the song, at least for me.

Streets is okay when I'm in the mood for The Joshua Tree, which actually isn't often. My top 3 are TUF, Pop, and NLOTH.
Two Hearts from '83!! He has the frosted tips, but at least it's not teased up into one of those hideously tall mullet things he was famous for. And, I love the song.

And I Will Follow. I've never gotten tired of that. Or New Years Day. Love them both.
Two Hearts from '83!! He has the frosted tips, but at least it's not teased up into one of those hideously tall mullet things he was famous for. And, I love the song.

And I Will Follow. I've never gotten tired of that. Or New Years Day. Love them both.

Actually, for all the bashing Pride gets around here, I'm not tired of that one, either. I guess my most overplayed would be BD, One, Streets, ISHFWILF, SBS, and Bullet.
So, I'm back to watching the early dvd I burned the other night, because I never did finish watching it, and they've just played Electric Co, and now Out of Control in a live appearance, and now I'm convinced that those are the Most. Awesome. Songs. Ever.

that's how I roll, apparently.

Those were definitely of my two favourites from the Vertigo tour. :love:

My all time favourite has always been Streets. Hearing it live is pretty much the most incredible experience ever. I rarely listen to the album version, and don't actually listen to the live versions I have all that often, but it's always meant so much much to me over the years. Rounding out my top 3 are ISHFWILF and ASOH. Hopefully one day I'll get to hear ASOH live. :)
I have gone through a few stages of U2 fandom. In the 80s, I knew of them (duh, obviously) and liked some of their songs, but for the most part, I found them too earnest for my liking. I was an idiot, plain and simple. Then when AB came out, I became an obsessive uber-fan, that album just struck the right chord at the time, I guess. After that, Zooropa and pop didn't get a ton of airplay around here, plus I was busy, I guess, and didn't pay a great deal of attention. For the 90's to 00's greatest hits and the ATYCLB release, I was interested, loved the music, but had too much going on to delve into uber-fandom. But then in the lead up to HTDAAB, I remember all the anticipation, the looking forward to it. Hell, I even distinctly remember the radio release of Vertigo. And I was sucked back in. Probably more than ever before. Then I found you guys, of course, and that pretty much sealed my fate. :lol:
I knew of them but didn't really feel like a fan, even though I had ATYCLB, until The Saints Are Coming, which I only paid attention to cause of Green Day and the thought amongst their fans of "What the hell are they doing playing with those old farts?" I couldn't have picked Bono out of a line up. Then I heard it and went, "DUDE. :ohmy:" I started listening to ATYCLB again and then bought Achtung Baby and HTDAAB. And joined interference. The rest is history. Funnily, these are three of the four albums I have the biggest love-hate relationship with. The fourth is War.
The only concert I've seen is U23D. Seven times. :reject:
I've never seen that! It played in Toronto for like 5 minutes when it came out (okay, maybe more like a few weeks, Drea would remember better than me), but it just wasn't convenient for me to go to a city nearly 2 hrs away to see a movie at that point. Since then it's been replayed in a ton of places, but never around here. :( have to see them live. Period. End of story.
I knew of them but didn't really feel like a fan, even though I had ATYCLB, until The Saints Are Coming, which I only paid attention to cause of Green Day and the thought amongst their fans of "What the hell are they doing playing with those old farts?" I couldn't have picked Bono out of a line up. Then I heard it and went, "DUDE. :ohmy:" I started listening to ATYCLB again and then bought Achtung Baby and HTDAAB. And joined interference. The rest is history. Funnily, these are three of the four albums I have the biggest love-hate relationship with. The fourth is War.

:lol: @ love/hate relationships. I'm that way with October.
I've never seen that! It played in Toronto for like 5 minutes when it came out (okay, maybe more like a few weeks, Drea would remember better than me), but it just wasn't convenient for me to go to a city nearly 2 hrs away to see a movie at that point. Since then it's been replayed in a ton of places, but never around here. :( have to see them live. Period. End of story.
It plays once a month at my local IMAX and it does quite well. I can barely see the 3D anymore, and I giggle most of the way through it cause, like any movie you've seen and seen and seen, you notice little things that crack you up.

I know. But Oakland and Denver are sold out. :shrug:
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