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I had such a great time with you guys! :love: I would do it all over again if I could because I already miss everyone! :sad:

My thoughts...
-Dev's outfit FTW! :up:
-INXS-ive was AMAZING! I didn't expect them to be that great. I loved Brett's white pants with the black stars on them. Dev, you didn't have to save my eyes :wink::drool:
-The Cure. . . . . . . . . .enough said. :yikes:
-JT, you guys rocked! I loved Jason's boots. Fantastic! Sorry you had to cut your set short, but it was really great. :)
-There were some VERY........:hmm:.........passionate fans. Funny, but much too distracting. If I were Jason, I would have been a bit scared.
-Sorry you got sick, Carlos. :hug: We missed you!
-Mel's service :down:
-Mel's apple pie :up:

Thank you everyone for a great night! Can't wait to see you again!
I'm glad everyone had a good time!


Dev's outfit was AWESOME

INXS-ive was awesome. Rumor has it that Richard Blade is going to be talking to the real INXS about him since they just fired JD.

The was not their best night. :sad:

Thanks for the props to JT. We only cut 11 o'Clock Tick Tock and 40. We are thinking about doing the whole RR show for the next night at Romano's on Jan 9th. We can then also add Seconds, 2 Hearts, October and Seconds.

Yeah, there were some people getting WAY into the show. I'm just glad people are enjoying themselves. Either we are doing something right or the beer is? Maybe a little of both!

Carlos...feel better!

Mel's....Nobody told me??? :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad::edge::sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:
The show was rockin' good fun. I came. I saw. I tuned some guitars.

INXS-ive were brilliant. That singer has the spirit of Michael Hutchence down - spot on. How authentic? Richard Blade seemed suitably impressed. Their drummer had it together too - down to the rototoms and checkered drum kit. (Good job)

Blasphemous Rumours always do a great show. Always enjoyable. Another band with singer that has the look, demeanor and voice of the band they give tribute to down perfect. And BR's "Martin Gore" is spot on too.

JT? They were Red Rock-a-rific! Such a good job. Mike (drums) had been ill. Emergency room ill. But he made to the show and played great!

The went for the authentic look. White flags and mullets were in attendance! I've heard that many hours of re-hair-sals went in to the making of Jason's mullet. Chas had the Lumberjack Edge look down complete with all black Fender Stratocaster and vintage Gibson Explorer.

Great show. A full Red Rocks show for Romano's? Nice. "Seconds", "Party Girl"... "Two Hearts Beat As One" (without the Twist again part! Hahahaha)? Oooooh, what about "I Fall Down", which WAS played at Red Rocks. It just was left off the DVD - sadly. That could be a good one to play.
Yep, you win! That is pretty `80's. You looked fantastic!

The show was rockin' good fun. I came. I saw. I tuned some guitars.

Ha ha! I thought I saw you! But I didn't know if you would be tuning guitars and you shaved your beard, so I second guessed myself. At one point you looked right at me and then moved on, so I figured either it wasn't you or you didn't recognize me.

Bummer. Would've loved to have said, "Hi," to you.

Next time. :)

Ah yes, I did shave the beard. It is there when I am too lazy to shave and/or I'm feeling Edge-like. :lol:

I'm sorry if I missed you. Call out m'name next time or say hello before of after the gig. T'is always good meeting the 'blue' folk from the 'blue' list.


Ha ha! I thought I saw you! But I didn't know if you would be tuning guitars and you shaved your beard, so I second guessed myself. At one point you looked right at me and then moved on, so I figured either it wasn't you or you didn't recognize me.

Bummer. Would've loved to have said, "Hi," to you.

Next time. :)
I don't know who you are :reject: Did you introduce yourself during the course of the evening?

No worries, Lila64. We will meet up at another event? I wasn't really mad that I didn't get invited to Mel's. I was just lusting over the idea of dessert. :D

I didn't know where to find the good folks from Interference and introduce myself.

Completely jealous! Looks and sounds like you had a great time! Dev, you look soooooo darn madonna-wanna-be cute..:cute:

Really all of you looked great! Sorry to have missed, but I am sooooooooooo looking forward to the next meet-up and meeting more West Coast peeps!

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!:hug:

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