Pasadena Setlist Party 10/25 Thread #2

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*sigh* So jealous of the L.A. crowd. Originally planning to just see part of the show then hit the sack, but we'll see. :shifty:
:hyper::hyper::hyper: This is just so cool! I wish it wasn't almost midnight, though!

Can I do it? Yes I can!
Wow, I can't believe YouTube is letting me watch uninterrupted!

I'm sorry I slagged my poor little computer off. :hug:
I really hope they include all of this for when they stream the show again. Most people will be able to rip it then and I want a full, uncut and unedited show. :up:
the whole point of this was to have an uupgrade in quality from 1000mikes .... but all I get is the black screen with the white circle. so sad.
The remix of Go Crazy they keep playing during the pre-show B roll is great.

I gotta track it down.
for those curious, Rocko also did an introduction in Chicago on the Vertigo DVD shoot.
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