Teen PLEBAns Party: Look, we're not a packet of cornflakes

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Yeah, much better thank you , still have a chesty cough, but the meds are doing there job :)
Thankfully. I was sooo NOT going for a blood test. (squeamish :ohmy:)
How are you? :D
totally :D

and er, here is the pic I said I drew yesterday


:shifty: It is a picture I found while searching old leather day threads. *combusts* :drool:
yup It has just gone 8pm :) :lol:

Ive had a whole day of resting at home, and taking my medicine every 6 hours Lol.
I dont think I'll make it to shcool this week.
hehe, what about you? :D
HAHA! I got that expression from a friend of mine. In a classroom we were in there were Time magazine covers all over the wall, and there was the one with Bono in the American flag jacket, and she insisted I was always staring at it. She said, "Are you mind raping that picture or something?" :lol:
:lol: haha caught in the act :wink: One of my teachers is cool enough to have that picture up in his office :)

I am going to steal that phrase from you :shifty:

how are you doing anyway :) ?
mwahaha .....


okay. So do I.


Listen Im gonna go now, gotta take my medicine and then Im gonna go lie down, put some music on (debating on what) and maybe I'll catch you guys tomorrow? :hmm:
Doctor said to rest loads and it is evening here so ...

take care :wave:

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