Your least favorite U2 song?

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Flower Child, or if we're talking album tracks, Heartland.

Wow. It's fine to have opinions and all, but christ...

just talking album tracks as I haven't heard all the other stuff and don't really care to, then it's probably elvis presley and america. i still don't mind it, sometimes i'm in the mood to listen to it even, but come on, it's atrocious.

all because of you and elevation are also up there.
It is sad that so many people do not get Miami or the more experimental side of Zooropa & Pop. This is the reason U2 has become a play-it-safe, predictable band since 2000 and will probably never make a completely "holy shit!" out-there album like Radiohead's Kid A, even though NLOTH is enjoyable for the most part. Oh well.
Or maybe people simply don't like Miami.
The "you don't get it, do you?" accusations are getting tiresome. :shrug: It's not about that.
Or maybe people simply don't like Miami.

Maybe. And I really did not mean to say that just to get a rise from people or make accusations BUT because I'm honestly surprised how people do not find the bleak nature of that running background synth in Miami appealing, especially on such a bleak sounding side of POP. Gone, Miami, Please, WUDM: all depressing as hell.. Miami more so because of that synth and it fits in so well with the album! Not to mention the drumming and brilliant offbeat bass... what's not to like???
i love elvis presley and america. it sums up the unforgettable fire perfectly - the stream of consciousness doesn't just apply to this song, the whole album is just like it, but with slightly more pre-planned lyrics.
i love elvis presley and america. it sums up the unforgettable fire perfectly - the stream of consciousness doesn't just apply to this song, the whole album is just like it, but with slightly more pre-planned lyrics.
exactly. plus i don't know, something about the simplicity of taking another song's music and just slowing it down is kind of ingenious.

i love miami too. yeah it sucks that everyone doesn't love it but that's what's great about music. everyone interprets songs differently. plus if there's a song i love that most don't i feel like i know some secret or something. :hmm:
Maybe. And I really did not mean to say that just to get a rise from people or make accusations BUT because I'm honestly surprised how people do not find the bleak nature of that running background synth in Miami appealing, especially on such a bleak sounding side of POP. Gone, Miami, Please, WUDM: all depressing as hell.. Miami more so because of that synth and it fits in so well with the album! Not to mention the drumming and brilliant offbeat bass... what's not to like???

I see what you mean now.

I guess for me I wouldn't mind the drums and the bass but the lyrics - it looks like Bono's trying too hard to come off as arty/poetic (and he was arguably the strongest member on that album, lyrically). And I like Edge's guitar sounds on their records, but not on that album (same goes for Bono's vocals). That's probably my least favourite solo he's ever done. And then the "MIAMI!!! MY MAMMMY!" screams... :no:
the lyrics - it looks like Bono's trying too hard to come off as arty/poetic

I don't understand this. How exactly does he come off as trying too hard? Examples? I think he is being arty in the perfect way that he intended. And I just love the wry humorous carefree tone in his voice throughout the whole song.

I like Edge's guitar sounds on their records, but not on that album. That's probably my least favourite solo he's ever done.

Fair enough. But personally I love how dirty that solo is and it is absolutely perfect after that "here comes car chase" line. Fucking badass song! Great for driving.

(same goes for Bono's vocals)

Well I guess I disagree cos I love the carefree sound of his voice there. Which is why I love Cedars too. The song would fit perfectly towards the end of Pop. Do you not like his voice on Cedars either?
Where the Streets Have No Name. What cacophony!! :yuck:

Runner up would probably be Yahweh or one of those kaka war tracks.
Whats to get about Miami? Yeah its experimental, but the sounds are horrible imo, I wish U2 would experiment more these days!!! they seem so obsessed with making radio friendly hits for people who listen to the top 40 charts, they have never done this while they were becoming the biggest band on the planet in the 80's! why now?
El Uh Vay Fail, Vertifail, Fail Through Your Wires... all somewhat embarrassing.
I didn't like miami until I heard the live version, then I felt in love with it. Try popmart leeds or tel aviv performances - live it's so badass and also it perfectly segues into funky played bullet. Too bad it's not included on the mexico video, instead we got the bland acoustic SBS, meh...

As for the worst song goes, it's probably wild honey, could it get any more embarrasing for them?
once again, not to pick on anyone, but using the word "embarrassing" to describe a U2 is embarrassing.
I don't understand this. How exactly does he come off as trying too hard? Examples? I think he is being arty in the perfect way that he intended. And I just love the wry humorous carefree tone in his voice throughout the whole song.

Well I guess I disagree cos I love the carefree sound of his voice there. Which is why I love Cedars too. The song would fit perfectly towards the end of Pop. Do you not like his voice on Cedars either?

Well, I remember it being described as "beat poetry" on this forum. And if you look at the lines, it sounds like he tried to do more than just a "here's a song about all the good times we had in Miami", doesn't it ?

I guess I prefer Bono writing about his experiences/viewpoints (that is, Bono on every other U2 album) compared to Bono the commentator on the state of the world and pop culture, which he appears to be doing on Pop.

Maybe it's the added mileage and more experience he has, I enjoy the voice on Cedars. :shrug:
i love elvis presley and america. it sums up the unforgettable fire perfectly - the stream of consciousness doesn't just apply to this song, the whole album is just like it, but with slightly more pre-planned lyrics.

:up: I guess I tend to like a good portion of the songs that others think are terrible. For example: Elvis Presley and America, Stranger in a Strange Land, A Room At The Heartbreak Hotel, Babyface, Original of the Species

My least favorite songs would have to be: Vertigo, GOYB, Stuck in a Moment, Elevation (although I do like the Influx Remix), and Party Girl. However, they could play a concert with just these songs, and I'd still be super excited if I was there. They're just not songs that I'll get an urge to put on :shrug:

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