Random Facts and Confessions: Part 5

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Well ive met 3 girls in the last month to say " your the funniest guy I have ever met. "

Yet, they dont want to get with me. Whats the deal ?
When i hear that i feel really really bad, its like ive been shot in the back of the head. Might go gay and see if i have any luck there.
I confess: I don't really like rock music all that much. Especially what is called 'rock' nowadays. It bores me to tears. When people talk about Radiohead and Oasis and Muse and the Killers and whatnot I just have to look at them blankly. I could never sit thru a whole 2 hr concert by any of those bands :shrug:
My two favorite artists are U2 and Bob Marley. MJ is up there also as is Bowie and Peter Gabriel. After that: 80s stuff like New Order, Joy Division, The Cure, The Police, Depeche Mode..some 80s rock like Rush Bruce and Journey and whatnot..reggae (roots, lovers rock and 80s-mid90s dancehall)..house music (but not techno house)..old school hip hop, soul, p-funk, jazz (especially older slow sultry stuff) and some classical.

I find alot of what is now called indie very boring also. Like it's trying to hard to be art or something :shrug:

I know alot of rock, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't fit me. Metallica, Ozzy, all that stuff? I can't even listen to it for more than a song or two, honestly :reject:
wait a minute, I don't work here.


You lie.

i tried a ciggie once, while drinking a beer at the same time. smoke, swig. i'd never actually tried it, and now i can see the fascination, it makes the beer taste pretty good. but i can't smoke properly, can't afford it and definitely wouldn't want to get addicted.
My two favorite artists are U2 and Bob Marley. MJ is up there also as is Bowie and Peter Gabriel. After that: 80s stuff like New Order, Joy Division, The Cure, The Police, Depeche Mode..some 80s rock like Rush Bruce and Journey and whatnot..reggae (roots, lovers rock and 80s-mid90s dancehall)..house music (but not techno house)..old school hip hop, soul, p-funk, jazz (especially older slow sultry stuff) and some classical.

I find alot of what is now called indie very boring also. Like it's trying to hard to be art or something :shrug:

I know alot of rock, don't get me wrong, but it just doesn't fit me. Metallica, Ozzy, all that stuff? I can't even listen to it for more than a song or two, honestly :reject:

After this post, I'm really wondering how you define 'rock', which is a pretty bad question to ask anyone.
After this post, I'm really wondering how you define 'rock', which is a pretty bad question to ask anyone.

I had thought that myself, re reading it. I guess I should say I like 70-80s radio rock. All the stuff that came out of the 90s and onward ie Nirvana, Pearl Jam, etc etc to me is straight garbage. Muse? Garbage. Noise. Unlistenable. Really, I only listed those specific 'rockish' bands to concede that I guess there was *some I liked. Even that stuff, however, isn't part of my daily listening pattern. I'd have to say that my favorite genres are soul, rnb, house, and reggae. My favorite radio station for the past 18 years or so is 93.7 WBLK out of Buffalo NY :shrug: (you can actually listen online at www.wblk.com they play alot of old school funk and disco also :drool: )
well, the lord came to me in the form of a pop-tart and told me that he was sending me his "tool". after assuring him i had no desire to handle his tool, he pointed out that i would be saving a great many people. he then told me that i would be the keeper of god's furnace-- see, the devil exists in all forms of printed money, and the only way to rid the world of his evil is to burn that money. thing is, if you burn it on a regular fire, the devil just flies off, or sometimes, he flies into you! with the furnace, i can capture the devil when he is released, therefor, money can ONLY be burned in MY furnace. i beg all of you to send me your money. please. for your OWN good. i am a servant of god and i am willing to RISK my soul for YOU. just please, send me all your cash. do it . today. it is the lord's will. i promised god i would devote myself to getting your money.

trust me.
I had thought that myself, re reading it. I guess I should say I like 70-80s radio rock. All the stuff that came out of the 90s and onward ie Nirvana, Pearl Jam, etc etc to me is straight garbage. Muse? Garbage. Noise. Unlistenable. Really, I only listed those specific 'rockish' bands to concede that I guess there was *some I liked. Even that stuff, however, isn't part of my daily listening pattern. I'd have to say that my favorite genres are soul, rnb, house, and reggae. My favorite radio station for the past 18 years or so is 93.7 WBLK out of Buffalo NY :shrug: (you can actually listen online at 93.7 WBLK #1 For Hip Hop and R & B > Home they play alot of old school funk and disco also :drool: )

That's cool. :up: I actually agree with you on some of the comments about certain sub-genres of rock - like, 'classic' 70's radio rock? More often than not, I'd be all like SHOOT ME NOW to that shit. And being a big fan of soul, funk and R n' B myself I totally see where you're coming from now, and reggae is something that I'd like to get into more outside of the more famous artists. So yeah, cheers. :)
i heard my mates next door neighbour's dog barking and i thought it was a wolf so i put on a helmet and went to fight it.

so there :madspit:

i don't go near tequila any more. hate the smell, the lip sick suck, the taste, eveything.
:lmao::lmao: I remember you telling me that story. Bwhaha that is so awesome!

:lol: Seriously respect for you mate. You even were smart enough to put on a helmet!

oh diddums :wink:

seriously though, that's unaustralian.

:grumpy: I'm used to supermarkets being open till 10pm, especially on saturday! They close early on sunday. Pah, in Liechtenstein they don't know the word open on a sunday!

The beer was so good though. :sad:

My confession for the day: It's true what they say. Guinness DOES taste better in Ireland!
:lmao::lmao: I remember you telling me that story. Bwhaha that is so awesome!

:lol: Seriously respect for you mate. You even were smart enough to put on a helmet!

:grumpy: I'm used to supermarkets being open till 10pm, especially on saturday! They close early on sunday. Pah, in Liechtenstein they don't know the word open on a sunday!

The beer was so good though. :sad:

My confession for the day: It's true what they say. Guinness DOES taste better in Ireland!

i did a lot of stupid things that night, i didn't think it was possible to do stuff like that, no matter how drunk you are.

haha thanks. i told them later had it been a real wolf i woulda saved their arses.
I've spent months getting to know a wonderful young lady, with many a long night of deep discussion and other things, and we've decided to move in together.

I figure that this isn't half as dumb as most people who choose to move in together after starting a relationship because we are both smart, know what we want, and can ironically reference how naive it all sounds without giving other people the appropriate context.

Fingers crossed.
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