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My boss and the store manager! :love:
Got called upstairs into the office today by my boss. He just got in charge of scheduling and all other stuff since the other boss went to a different part, and he was sorting things out and told me he found all the contracts that are close to running out. He also found mine, that runs out in July. He told the manager about that and they had a convo, and concluded they don't want to lose me! :love: Finally all those years worked off! They think I'm one of the best of our part and that I need to stay. They're getting me a permanent contract. :D

:hyper: < I'm like that guy right now! I totally did NOT expect this as they nearly NEVER give part timers permanent contracts!
aw congrats that's awesome!

what do you do, by the way!
Thanks! :D

:wink: Nothing fancy. Supermarket. But yeah, I'm only a part timer and they usually kick you out when your contact runs out! I'm hoping to get a higher function with this, since I'm usually in charge of our part of the store anyway it'd be nice to get that function the official way.
The Hay Festival. Rock on the end of this month; rock on thousands and thousands and thousands of new books :up:
Thanks! :D

:wink: Nothing fancy. Supermarket. But yeah, I'm only a part timer and they usually kick you out when your contact runs out! I'm hoping to get a higher function with this, since I'm usually in charge of our part of the store anyway it'd be nice to get that function the official way.
that's alright though, i'd kill to be working in a supermarket at the moment actually.

so when you said you were going to the supermarket (did you even go in the end?) were you going to your one?
that's alright though, i'd kill to be working in a supermarket at the moment actually.

so when you said you were going to the supermarket (did you even go in the end?) were you going to your one?

Well they might be looking for people, and if I recommend you you'll get the job anyhow. :D

:lol: Well, no, and I didn't go either. It started raining madly so I decided to stay home. There's a supermarket relatively close from my house, about 5 minutes. It's only a small one though, so I barely go there. My work supermarket is a huge one, the biggest brand in the country, but it's 15 minutes away. Still not that much.
Congrats :up: Do you work for Mr Heijnekin? I don't know what the biggest supermarkets are here.
Congrats :up: Do you work for Mr Heijnekin? I don't know what the biggest supermarkets are here.

Good guess. :lol: Though it's still Heijn, not Heijnekin.

They're the biggest company here, in terms of supermarkets. Most are owned by Unilever, the company behind shitloads of brands, both food and non food. I work at a franchiser though. :hmm:
Good guess. :lol: Though it's still Heijn, not Heijnekin.

They're the biggest company here, in terms of supermarkets. Most are owned by Unilever, the company behind shitloads of brands, both food and non food. I work at a franchiser though. :hmm:

Unilever! The bastards! I had some of their Continental rice yesterday, and there was a piece of string in it! I was going to ring or email to politely complain, but I decided that was too 'old person' and I needed to just suck it up and move on.

Aaaaand, they were a client of mine when I worked at AC Nielson. The string was probably payback.
Unilever! The bastards! I had some of their Continental rice yesterday, and there was a piece of string in it! I was going to ring or email to politely complain, but I decided that was too 'old person' and I needed to just suck it up and move on.

Aaaaand, they were a client of mine when I worked at AC Nielson. The string was probably payback.

:giggle: Payback with a piece of string. Nice.

Well I don't see anything wrong in letting them know you found a piece of string in it, it may mean there's more so they could make sure the rest of that batch is checked or issue a warning or so? Though a piece of string isn't that dangerous, it still doesn't belong in rice!
That I get thanked on my favourite band's new album -- an album which is getting (deservedly) some of the best reviews of their career. I'm totally chuffed. :D

I haven't actually seen my name on the album yet (I have an early, unadorned version right now), but it's being sent to me. :)
^ That's very cool! Can I ask what you did?


When I heard about it, the first thing to pop into my head was "why?" Luckily I didn't actually say that! :lol:

I manage one band member's art business (which includes setting up exhibitions, producing prints, managing his art website, and handling sales and commissions), help another member with some of his art, I've helped promote the band, filmed at some of their live shows, transported some equipment between shows, sourced or manufactured and delivered certain merch (mostly art related) for them to sell at shows, etc. Just a variety of things to help keep them running.

There are quite a few fans who have helped and continue to help them with everything from managing their various official sites (including Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), to professional services (lawyers, accountants, etc. -- although some of these people have come a bit too late :( ), marketing advice, and even providing fairly large influxes of cash to allow them to record and tour. They know they couldn't do it without people willing to help.

(and that was more than you really wanted to know, wasn't it? :reject: )

When I heard about it, the first thing to pop into my head was "why?" Luckily I didn't actually say that! :lol:

I manage one band member's art business (which includes setting up exhibitions, producing prints, managing his art website, and handling sales and commissions), help another member with some of his art, I've helped promote the band, filmed at some of their live shows, transported some equipment between shows, sourced or manufactured and delivered certain merch (mostly art related) for them to sell at shows, etc. Just a variety of things to help keep them running.

There are quite a few fans who have helped and continue to help them with everything from managing their various official sites (including Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), to professional services (lawyers, accountants, etc. -- although some of these people have come a bit too late :( ), marketing advice, and even providing fairly large influxes of cash to allow them to record and tour. They know they couldn't do it without people willing to help.

(and that was more than you really wanted to know, wasn't it? :reject: )
Oh nice work! They must be getting pretty famous.

Couldn't have explained it otherwise :)
dude! deets!
:lol: a band no one here has heard of (save for me using them a couple times on di) needed funding for their album cuz their record company went bankrupt or something, so i sent them some money. in return i got put on the liner notes, and got autographed copies of their debut album plus two of their new album. :D
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