Christian Bale Losses His Shit On The Set of Terminator (Audio Recording)

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Jul 1, 2007



LOLO, Oh how I adore you Senor Bale!


Bale Went Ballistic -
How this is news to anyone, I have no idea. He's intense as shit in nearly every movie he's been in.

Cori will swoop in and use Swing Kids as evidence soon, too. Just you watch.

Give 'em hell. I can only imagine how frustrating it is to work yourself up for a particular scene and then have some kind of technical bullshit screw everything up because someone had their head up their ass.

Is it overkill? Probably.

I wonder if Cori's gonna quit the fan club now.
Swing Heil, man! Swing Heil!

Meh, I don't care if he has anger issues. Honestly, I don't care if he's a giant douche. He's nice to look at and I enjoy his movies. I don't expect my movie stars to be perfect.
Listened to this earlier. Easily the most entertaining thing I've heard/seen all week.
laz's link didn't work for me. Listened to the original one, for f**k's sake :wink:
I'm with cori. I still enjoy my eye candy :drool:

Give 'em hell. I can only imagine how frustrating it is to work yourself up for a particular scene and then have some kind of technical bullshit screw everything up because someone had their head up their ass.

Is it overkill? Probably.

I wonder if Cori's gonna quit the fan club now.

Give me a break

there is no excuse for that, period
For all we know the DP really is a complete amateur who has no idea what to do on a serious big-budget film set, and McG is a worthless pussy with no control over his crew (looking at both their resumes and the evidence in the clip, this is probably a safe assumption too). This is likely just the straw that broke the camel's back, and I even read something from the Assistant director on the film already that it was just a particularly bad day for everyone. Yeah, The Bale went a bit overboard, but did you hear McG in the background? Fucking guy doesn't have a clue what's going on. It's totally understandable.
I don't give a toss what reason Bale has but this is totally unacceptable to talk to another person like that in a work place and of all things, making a bloody "MOVIE". You would think Shane Hurlburt(Dir Photography) put Bale in harms way or something more serious. He gets arrested last year for similar circumstances involving his mum and sister and now this. This c**k needs to get himself some mental health help.

Here's Hurlbert's imdb page - Shane Hurlbut
I don't give a toss what reason Bale has but this is totally unacceptable to talk to another person like that in a work place and of all things, making a bloody "MOVIE". You would think Shane Hurlburt(Dir Photography) put Bale in harms way or something more serious. He gets arrested last year for similar circumstances involving his mum and sister and now this. This c**k needs to get himself some mental health help.

Here's Hurlbert's imdb page - Shane Hurlbut

Fucking actors, man. Spoiled rotten.

Oh you pussies. This lighting guy should have said, "Look Chis - you fuckin' Newsie, if you don't shut the hell up I'm going to ram one of these lighting units so far up your ass that if you ever managed to get it out people would call it a real rescue dawn."
Like I said before, Bale obviously went overboard, especially with the threats. But you have to expect to get your ass handed to you if you fuck up like that on a major studio picture. Especially if your the fucking director of photography of all people. Dude learned a hell of a lesson that day for sure, whether entirely warranted or not. He'll be a better professional for it in the end.

I still can't get over McG's extreme pussitude in this clip though. Hilllllllarious.
It's pretty much common knowledge (in the UK film industry, at least) Bale is an arsehole. He's always had a nasty temper and been prone to diva tantrums. Just ask Rob Bowman.

He's a prick, but one hell of an actor.
I find the "you're a nice guy" part telling because it shows you that despite how mad Bale sounds, he's not being a jerk just to be a jerk. There's clearly a lot of frustration there, and it's also clear this wasn't the first time this happened.
For all we know the DP really is a complete amateur who has no idea what to do on a serious big-budget film set, and McG is a worthless pussy with no control over his crew (looking at both their resumes and the evidence in the clip, this is probably a safe assumption too). This is likely just the straw that broke the camel's back, and I even read something from the Assistant director on the film already that it was just a particularly bad day for everyone. Yeah, The Bale went a bit overboard, but did you hear McG in the background? Fucking guy doesn't have a clue what's going on. It's totally understandable.

McG is a bit of a pussy, he is a local boy here in NB and I know people that went to high school with him.
I don't know what a DP does, but walking on scene, in camera view a second time does sound inexcusable to me.

Also, all the guy (or gal knowing who McG likes to hire) had to do was grovel a bit. Tell Bale how sorry he was and that it would never happen again.
Instead he lays the excuse, "I was looking at the lights" like it is a legitimate reason and he might do it again.
Despite the guy apologising in such a meek, sincere way for adjusting the lights, Bale verbally abused him for 4 fucking minutes. It's like he's getting off on it, belittling the guy in front of the cast and crew safe in the knowledge he ain't going to retaliate for fear of losing his job. I guess the guy should be grateful he's not Bale's mother and got off relatively lightly :D

We need Clooney to come in and knock Bale on his arse David O. Russel-style. Oh, and McG is a pussy.

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