Yorkeys Knob, Queensland, Australia Superthread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Poor U2, they need guard dogs!

Oh, but that's part of the point - a completely improbable schedule. All of the dates referencing threads are on the dates the thread happened, while all of the dates referencing people are on their birthdays. The exceptions are the BC Place and Venus gigs, which take place on the dates given in the former Wikipedia article on the Annhilation Tour (they were the only dates it gave).

Ah, My bad.

:wave: Well I'm out now again, perhaps I'm back later, if my dad isn't claiming the pc that is. I hope to buy my laptop thursday evening! :hyper:
Hey Ali! :wave:

Before U-Wen went quiet, he asked how much money he owes you for UABRS and SGV, and what our plans are for Friday.

There probably is one, anyway. Because I'm pretty sure there's a Latvian one somewhere.

There should totally be an Equatorial Guinea pub named after Eric the Eel Moussambani of the Sydney 2000 Olympics.
Oh, I see Ali read back and saw my post. I'm toooo slooooowwww tonight. Like this thread and the whole damn forum has been, really.
And I am relieved to report that I know exactly where the SGV tickets are.

As for plans, I have no clue... I dunno how easy it is for you guys to get to the Corner Hotel (that's where it is, right??), but if you're stuck, I can give you a lift from the city. Last time we went to a gig there, we had dinner nearby before the show... there's a place that does the best marinated lamb salad in the UNIVERSE. :drool:
You suck. I hope your night is ruined by uni work.

aww, get fucked, matie!!
:hug: you're such a pissant. i love having you as a friend because you make me realise i don't suck as much as you and never will. i'm just plain unable to be as shitty in human quality as you. so thank you!

i've actually had a fairly successful night here.
intro just needs an edit.
background 3/4 done + edit,
3 reviews 4/5 done + edit,
bullshitting section on specific programme 4/5 done + edit,
conclusion 1/2 done + edit.

the good thing is that i've found my zen with it. i just don't give two shits about the quality of it. it's great.
And I am relieved to report that I know exactly where the SGV tickets are.

As for plans, I have no clue... I dunno how easy it is for you guys to get to the Corner Hotel (that's where it is, right??), but if you're stuck, I can give you a lift from the city. Last time we went to a gig there, we had dinner nearby before the show... there's a place that does the best marinated lamb salad in the UNIVERSE. :drool:

Excellent... How much (for the lamb salad, that is)?
And I am relieved to report that I know exactly where the SGV tickets are.

As for plans, I have no clue... I dunno how easy it is for you guys to get to the Corner Hotel (that's where it is, right??), but if you're stuck, I can give you a lift from the city. Last time we went to a gig there, we had dinner nearby before the show... there's a place that does the best marinated lamb salad in the UNIVERSE. :drool:


Corner Hotel is easy for me to get to. I take the 55 to Flinders Street and then the ... 70 or 75 goes right past it. So I could meet you down there and go to this place you know. Afterwards, it depends on when we get out as to whether I'll have a tram home. Think I will.
Ugh, why the fuck are my Intarwebz being so slow? It's like I'm killing my bandwidth with a couple of torrents ... except I'm not.

Maybe it's just Interference taking its sweet time loading. Anybody else having troubles?
Hmmm, I'm trying to decide if I should risk a walk from East Richmond to the Corner, or go from Richmond instead.
aww, get fucked, matie!!
:hug: you're such a pissant. i love having you as a friend because you make me realise i don't suck as much as you and never will. i'm just plain unable to be as shitty in human quality as you. so thank you!


That's why I'm Assver.
Aw yeah Ali, how goes it?

I'm well, I actually had a rare night of fun on Pleba, to some expenses.

Oh? I should check that out...

It goes all right, for my first day back at work after the holiday. *L* Got to spend the day telling everyone all about it, and trying to remember where I left everything.
They were $22.99 US each, plus $13.96 US shipping, and the AUD total was $103.84. Divided by three, that's $34.61333333333333333333333333333 etc.

Glad I ordered them before the dollar plunged!

Ah, excellent, then I think this means you and I are about equal.
Ugh, why the fuck are my Intarwebz being so slow? It's like I'm killing my bandwidth with a couple of torrents ... except I'm not.

Maybe it's just Interference taking its sweet time loading. Anybody else having troubles?
I've had trouble for days, but I blamed having numerous pdf's open and other things.


That's why I'm Assver.

Or Assover, as I now cannot stop thinking of you as :lol:

Stop complaining.

knock it off.
Ali, I've noticed your location is now "back in Melbourne", but I can't recall what it was before. :laugh:
If you ever star in a campy American sitcom about family values, make sure this is your catchphrase! Especially after someone tells you to "get fucked".

A campy American sitcom about family values that features "get fucked"? I'm so starring in this, you betcha!
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