Can I get a WTF?

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That was Italian.
The usual end-of-the-world video, probably related to the 21 Dec 2012 aka the end of the ancient Maya calendar/supposed end of the world date.
I think it's Italian. 12/23/2012 is the date the Mayan Calendar ends. Basically, we're fucked. I think there's a few possibilities - 1.) Time just stops. And then it would restart and we'd do it all over again, maybe getting to 12/24/2012 the next time. 2.) The Universe begins to stop expanding, the Big Crunch begins. 3.) The Earth explodes. 4.) Time begins to go backwards. I guess there's a few more possibilities, but those are the most likely.
i have my own calendar? that predicts the world's impending doom?


And there's a picture of your doll on it. :scream:

I don't speak Italian, but I can sort of see the logic behind this video if I place myself into William of Saint-Amour's 13th-century eschatological mindframe: Bono's charitable crusades somewhat mirror those of the hypocritical friars (i.e. he pleads on behalf of the poor, yet he maintains a physique of considerable girth); friars are physical manifestations of the false apostles mentioned in the Bible; the false apostles will usher in the Antichrist; kabloom, it's the end of the world.

So, yeah, Bono's going to cause the apocalypse. :scratch: I just hope he'll be okay once the dust settles and the horsemen ride away.
I thought it was saying Bono and Manson would do a duet, but then again, I was looking at it through a Thomas Aquinas mindset - not a William de San Amour. So I can see where you're coming from, but I think the optimism of world peace with Bono and Chuck hugging whilst humming the theme from Peanuts is just....lovely - in a HOLY FUCK THE WORLD IS SO ENDING kind of way.
But I don't want the world to end in 2012. I mean, where am I going to keep all my stuff after that?
I thought it was saying Bono and Manson would do a duet, but then again, I was looking at it through a Thomas Aquinas mindset - not a William de San Amour. So I can see where you're coming from, but I think the optimism of world peace with Bono and Chuck hugging whilst humming the theme from Peanuts is just....lovely - in a HOLY FUCK THE WORLD IS SO ENDING kind of way.


Touché, Mr. Beav. Touché.

Although, I do rather like the image that my interpretation evokes...Bono as a fat, balding friar (riding on an exhausted donkey, possibly) cheerfully peddling red mobile phones and Edun products to unsuspecting commoners.

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