MOOBDay - Captions!

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Welcome to the fun HarleyGirl! I've been to Rio and Salvador and I'm looking forward to a trip to Sao Paulo in a year or so!

thx :D
i'm sure that you'll really enjoy são paulo, i mean, i love my city... i won't change for another brazilian city just for another city in another country.
if u want i can show u some places :sexywink:
hey people ;x ok, i'm new here, i mean i can't remember my old login... anyway, i just was having so much fun in this topic that i needed to say that is the best one.
i mean, i'm brazilian :)barf:) and there wasn't so many foruns that are so funny... lol is terrible. anyway, congratulations and thank u :D:lol:
and if i make any english mistake please tell me, u know, i know how to speak, i know how to listen very well, but my grammar is horrible :yuck:

Hmmm... interesting nickname, Harley.Girl... :eyebrow:

:sexywink:We are obviously on the same wavelength, aren't we?!


:larry:Oh forget it, Edge... it's too late to find a pair of every animal species now, isn't it?!

:bono:That's absolutely the last time I fly transatlantic in coach class, Larry!
:larry:Hey, the back of the plane arrives at the same time as the front, my friend!

:larry:: (thinking) I guess it would be pretty hard finding three other guys who had instruments and whose parents would let them be in a band. . . :angry:

:larry: Yeah, I came up with the title of our new single. "Sexy moobs", it's catchy, isn't it?

:lmao: :lmao:

Wow - miss a day miss a lot. I wasn't able to look at this site much yesterday. You all sure were busy. New pictures and new captions. And so many of them are just too damn funny.

HarleyGirl...welcome. Your captions were some of the funniest - especially the one with Larry checking out Ali. Good job! :up:
:lmao: :lmao:

Wow - miss a day miss a lot. I wasn't able to look at this site much yesterday. You all sure were busy. New pictures and new captions. And so many of them are just too damn funny.

HarleyGirl...welcome. Your captions were some of the funniest - especially the one with Larry checking out Ali. Good job! :up:

Ohhh thxxxxx :D
i love do that with the pictures... how i was saying, my problem is the english... the thing in portuguese translate to the english is never the same, but i'm trying to do my best and it will be good for my grammar ahahahaha i don't why i have so many problems with it if the most people has problem with the listening and speaking thing :huh: anyway thx again :D:D
HarleyGirl, I never said it but welcome here! :wave: And please don't worry about your English - we understand it perfectly and you're very, very funny with the captions! :bow:

:applaud:thxxx again and again, this the first forum that i'm really welcome. thx everyone :D
i'm funny :cute: UIOSHDFUISHDF ok ok
thx :cute:

:edge: : so bla bla bla :blahblah:
:adam: : (thinking) there's a exit right there... i could run until there...:eyebrow:
:bono: : (thinking) really... i could eat a cow... :eyebrow::hmm:
:larry: : (thinking) what the hell am I doing here? :shifty:
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