Shag Point, New Zealand Superthread

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I still love Carek leapfrogging posts from the occasional forays into her threads.


Alright, guys. Time to go drink and get laid.

Happy 4th.

Thank god for blonde girls everywhere!!!

Good fucking lord. Thank god for smart brunettes!

are we talking bets?

my money is on "he passes out at midnight and wakes up in a bathtub filled with ice in a dirty motel - 1 kidney"

I'd like to place a bid in for "has to hide hacked up body of stripper by chopping her to bits and burying her in a remote area".

Which sort of eerily ties into that other post, but that's not really here nor there...
I do not get the fangirl love for Transvestite U2. At all.

I was 13 when that video came out and I didn't get it back then. My friend screamed like a fucking banshee whenever she saw girl Edge. :rolleyes:

forget about that, what is the moob situation woman?!

I am going to pretend as if you didn't really just ask me that. :tongue:

Moob recession, what is this world coming to... :sad:
I think this calls for a trip to Atlanta, Germany on Soufwest. Or, does that only stave off economic recessions and cannot turnaround a moob recession?

There will be NOT one 'important' PURPOSE as to why we did that.
I went to the Temple Bar.

First thing I saw was a :flirt: smiley.

:sigh: Sometimes I just have to remind myself why I changed allegiances.
Someone should tell Bono about this. Seriously! It's so juvenile and rude to do something like this not once but TWICE?!!! I can't imagine who would do something like this but apparently there are people out there who have. WT I am so sorry you have had to endure this. You don't deserve it I feel very sorry for the culprit and any accomplices if and when their identities are revealed! :ohmy:

She will never stop until she finds the real killers... I mean, erasers.
I really hope "What did you do JUST NOW???" catches on. It has great comedic potential. Definitely looking forward to Carek's first post in there.

"Thought about how many more threads I have to spam"
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