Toronto show 9/16/09- Not allowed to stand and dance!!

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Who can sit still during Copacabana? No one, that's who!

In many states someone is not technically listed as "Dead" until the body remains motionless during an entire performance of Copa.

I can actually picture this one dude loosing his shit surrounded by thousands of old people.

That's awesome. Is he fat?
Security should have been more concerned about all the pot and cigarette smoke in the crowd than people having a good time!
I had some asshole blister of a woman tell me to sit down at Boston 2 as she was leaving at the end of the main set. I was ripshit, as I detailed in my review of the show. 99% of the house is ALWAYS standing for a U2 show! If fellow patrons do not like it, they make very high quality blue ray DVD's now that can be put in someone's 56 inch plasma TV with surround sound. In your living room, you can sit down all you want! A live show is something entirely different.

However, in my years working security in this industry, I have never encountered a security staff that would prohibit standing. In fact, the first thing my boss told the group of us in training was that we may have a difficult conflict to resolve between person A and Person B. Person A wants to sit, that's his right; person B wants to stand, also her right. If it becomes an issue, one or the other can be moved, thats all that was said about it.

I know alot of times we keep the aisles clear, which is required by fire code, and there are idiots who claim we are telling them to sit down, but thats not true. All I care is that you are in front of a seat and not in an aisle. In fact, I have been known to not give a shit about too many people in a row as long as they manage to squeeze into it and out of the path I need clear.

I guess if Toronto did that, then I would say its unnecessary, over the top and probably VERY rare.
The second Toronto show, I made a break for the washroom from the GA field, and the stairs going up between sections in the 100s was packed with people standing/dancing, watching the show. A security guy was standing at the bottom of the stairs, and I looked at him as if to say "how am I supposed to get up there with all those people?" He just shrugged as if to say there was nothing he could do about it.

So I suspect the sit down security guy was just some overzealous individual.
yeah, i've heard of crowds in japan being forced to remain seated (no idea if that's still the case but i know it was at least in the early 80s), but never anything in north america. maybe toronto is a real life footloose town. :)

Beav is the most serious...douch hammer ever. You study during a rock concert? Go fuck yourself you fucking loser. Its ROCK AND ROLL. Read Flannigan if you want Bono's take on crowds sitting down. Rock and roll used to be dance music, thats what Lady Kier said anyway, I always believe her.
Beav is being sarcastic. Even if he wasn't, no need for the personal attacks.
Beav is the most serious...douch hammer ever. You study during a rock concert? Go fuck yourself you fucking loser. Its ROCK AND ROLL. Read Flannigan if you want Bono's take on crowds sitting down. Rock and roll used to be dance music, thats what Lady Kier said anyway, I always believe her.


Beav is being sarcastic. Even if he wasn't, no need for the personal attacks.

Holy fuck, that was awesome. You got schooled, Beav! :lol:


PS U2387 - I guess it might have risked your job, but I would have been sorely tempted to say 'oh yah lady, I'll call security for ya..wait...I AM security! GFY!' :lol:
GVOX: HAHA, I should have told her that! I guess I wasn't thinking straight because I was so shocked.

Actually, it would have been quite alright by my job standards- we just do the stage, ellipse , backstage and soundboard at Gillette and have nothing to do w/ the stands.

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