Genocide,Fraud and Fascism.

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Oct 18, 2005
Written by Nyadzonia.

The evolution of the Ukrainian Famine Fraud--which is at the core of Ant-Soviet era Cold War propaganda and fabrication--is an interesting study in Modern Propaganda Tactics.

The fabrication of "Soviet Crimes Against Humanity" began almost immediately after the 1917 Revolution and the foreign occupation Russian territories.

The western media-spear headed by the Hearst Media--wasted no time in demonizing the Revolution.

William Hearst (the Rupert Murdoch of his era) dominated media control at time and was known as "America's #1 Fascist" .
Both Hitler and Mussolini were staff writers in his News Paper empire at one point or another in the 1920's and 30's.

Through the 1920's -blatantly fabricated stories regarding the Russian Revolution received massive circulation in the Hearst Media despite being revealed as frauds numerous times.
Eventually Hearst newspapers were banned in Canada(for example) because of blatantly compromised ethical standards of journalistic integrity.

Through the 1920-30's ,with contributions from staff writers such as Hitler and Mussolini ,stories of intentional famine and starvation were circulated in the Hearst Media.
These stories attributed the "famine genocide" to Soviet Collectivization Programs (sound familiar?) in the Ukraine.

Of course there were many problems in that region -civil war,drought,the Great Depression in full swing,and massive sabotage on the part of old Tsarist Russian Oligarchs called "kulaks" .
These were the "owners" of the land (sound familiar?) who resisted government land appropriations by open and blatant industrial and agricultural sabotage.
The oligarchs burned millions of hectares of land and slaughtered millions of head of livestock in an attempt to to undermine Soviet Collectivization.

Of course this exacerbated already pre-existing problems related to WW1 for example.

In any event-these circumstances were melded together and formed the amalgam of anti-Soviet propaganda that would eventually see a Re-birth in....NAZI Germany.

Hitler had been democratically elected by a war weary Germany in 1933 (partially as a result of one of histories greatest propaganda coups-the Reichtag Burnings,the 9/11 of NAZI Germany)
When Hitler arrived at the point of a German invasion of the Soviet Union he NEEDED a public relations tool to mobilize the German masses to action.

The Famine Mythology had already been primed in the Germany Mind subsequent to the fall of 1934 when William Hearst met with Press Division Chief of the NAZI Foreign-Political Bureau,Dr. Karl Bomer and Nazi leader Afred Rosenberg to discuss the "Ukranain Famine" amongst other issues.

The foundations had already been laid and Hitler had merely to point out the supposed savagery of the Soviets referencing the Hearst Media fabrications as "proof" that an invasion of the Soviet Union was a moral duty of Germany.

Old Hearst fabrications were circulated in the German mass media and-just like magic--Public Consent was Manufactured for a German Invasion of Russia--(kind of has a WMD ring to it,huh?)

With the end of WW2--the Cold War moved into high gear and these old Hearst/Nazi German Fabrications were AGAIN re-born in Cold War Propaganda.

The Ukrainian Famine became the center piece of Anti-Communist denunciations.

The stats seem to have grown from 6 million intentionally murdered ethnic Ukranians--to over 45 million---all INSIDE the Ukraine itself---wow.
Quite an undertaken if it were even half true considering the Germans Had LOST WW2 partly because of an over allocation of resources in the Final Solution which could just barely achieve a body count of 6-7 million European Jews from ALL over the continent.

There is MUCH more to discuss--suffice to say that the RhodesianRats were schooled in the fine arts of -not only Nazi German Media/Public Relations Tactics--but,also counter-insurgent Psychological Warfare tactics which the Germans had perfected to a T.

Knowing the surgical effectiveness of these tactics and the resulting manipulation of public recollections of historical events (Gukurahundi-5th Brigade-ZANLA/ZIPRA conflicts?) what considerations should be made regarding the VERACITY of certain aspects of Zimbabwean History?

Any takers?
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