Its a fissure # me

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bite me flood control. i hate you anyway.


a pox on your hair.

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Click here as in right here?

What if I dont want to?

You know how you go through drive through take away and they say, "please drive through when you're ready"? I'm always tempted to turn the engine off and start reading a book.
Bugger the rest of the line. I want to know what Miss Marple does next.

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Thanks, but bite me.
so far only little in this thread really has been about you
Ms Marple - yes
future sound of london - yes

you - no

I'm a tat disappointed really
How long to get to 5000 posts? 60 seconds per floodcontrolwhichcankissmyarse = too damn long and I'm not that bored.

Not that I have dags, I just realised that is not about me either.

And in anticipation of what is about to follow:
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well if not about YOU than either dag or the Aussie equivalent of the easter bunny

or cricket of couse 4/183
how many overs to go?

I've never been into the alternate easter bunny campaign. i think there's gonna be a generation of screwed up kids as a result of this..
hi bls!!! :wave:

easter bilby! :hyper:
NOT! Give me 'chook' anyday!

The Indians are gonna fight til the end!
Maybe I should watch.....neh, you can give me updates :D
ooh, believe me I suffer already

hot buttered popcorn it is though

what a surprise indeed
and only a 125 runs difference
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