MERGED-->What do you all think about Stateless?

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Blue Meth Addict
Aug 12, 2000
What do you all think about Stateless?

The Ground Beneath her Feet thread made me think of Stateless. What do you all think about Stateless?

I remember when it first came out, I was pretty disappointed with it. I didnt like it much at all, I thought it was really mediocre.

I dont know what happened, but I think it's great now. I really like the trance/triphop feel the music has in this song. I really like the production on Stateless and Ground Beneath Her Feet, they kinda have a sound that no other U2 songs have.

Anyone else think that the guitar riff in Stateless kinda sounds like Talk Show Host by Radiohead? Maybe that's why I like it, cause I love that song too.

Anyways, your opinions please.
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I think I remember liking it from the first time I heard it. I got the whole "atmospheric" vibe that was so big in Ground Beneath Her Feet. I don't know...I can't think of anything else to say about it at the moment, but I do love it! (and Falling at Your Feet and Never Let Me Go too, while we're talking about MDH songs!).
I don't know why, but it took me such a long time to hear the other songs on the MDH soundtrack. :huh: I really like Stateless.. like you said, it's very different and unique for U2. It and Falling At Your Feet are really good. :D Really, all songs U2 did for the MDH soundtrack were excellent, and Dancing Shoes.. I never hear anyone talk about it -- great song, too. Short, but good.

Ah, I got a bit sidetracked. :der:
I'm quite a big fan of Stateless. The lyrics and singing are sexy and smooth, and the end of the song is driving. Good stuff. I like all of the U2/Bono songs on the MDH soundtrack. Each one has its own mood, but they've all got something redeeming about them.
My favorite song on the soundtrack, tied with Falling at your feet.

IMO better than the more known Ground beneath her feet.
love it!

that's the kinda U2 I love.. interesting atmospheric and beautiful
Moonlit_Angel said:
It's kind of a neat song...the music is...mysterious, sorta.

I'm liking it...the ending in particular is really cool.


*puts the song on to refresh memory about what you mean*

:yes: Ohhhhhhhhhh, yes! It is really cool!
great opening lines:

"I've got no home in this world
Just gravity
luck and time
I've got no hope in this world
Just you
And you are not mine."

I was dissapointed in ATYCLB because it did not sound like "stateless" at all. I love atmosphere.
It's so rare that U2 fan says they dont like a U2 song, it's it? Sometimes I dont even know why I ask what people think of U2 songs/albums or whatever. Everyone is just going to say that they love it.

I cant really talk though, about the only U2 song I really dont like is Big Girl's are Best. I dont necessarily hate it, I just think it's really at the bottom of my list.
u2popmofo said:
It's so rare that U2 fan says they dont like a U2 song, it's it? Sometimes I dont even know why I ask what people think of U2 songs/albums or whatever. Everyone is just going to say that they love it.

I cant really talk though, about the only U2 song I really dont like is Big Girl's are Best. I dont necessarily hate it, I just think it's really at the bottom of my list.

Wait a minute....I beg to differ. Let me think long and hard. If you ask any U2 fan to be honest and list which U2 songs they don't like, I'm sure they'll come up with something. For example, I don't care too much for "The Wanderer", featuring Johnny Cash. And I especially could care less for "Stuck in a Moment". I hope they never sing that song again. There, I was honest.

You're dangerous 'cause you're honest
You're dangerous 'cause you don't know what you want
Right on Wowy23, thanks for being honest. It's good to hear people who actually dare tell their true feellings!
I think Stateless is great. I think it's even better when you place it next to some of the other songs U2 put out in 2000, like Wild Honey, Kite, Stuck, Elevation, In A Little While. All great songs, but all completely different in tone and presentation.
:huh: <----my first impression

i'm actually hearing it for the first time right's about half way through and i like it, i just spent a while waiting for something to HAPPEN. you know that feeling where you put on a song and it's really quite, you sit there just waiting for it to explode? yeah, that just happened. i got over it. i like it. not the best thing i've ever heard, but i dfinetly like it. *hits 'repeat'*
u2popmofo said:
Right on Wowy23, thanks for being honest. It's good to hear people who actually dare tell their true feellings!

i don't like lemon, but there are actually few u2 songs i don't like a lot.

you've heard me say i don't like miami...i changed my mind though.

stateless has officially grown on me. kind of like "your blue room" took multiple i like it. but if i keep listening to it now it's going to calm meinto a very sleepy state

i just started thinking 'statless' in terms of not gas, liquid, solid, or plasma...which reminds me i have a chem lab tomorrow...
U2 - Stateless sounds like Radiohead - Talk Show Host

Anyone else think so? I dont necessarily think they sound like each other, but Stateless does remind me of Talk Show Host.

Maybe it's the guitar, maybe it's just me, maybe I'm crazy.
ya, i guess the guiat is somewhat similiar at the beginning of stateless compared to thom's guitar in talk show host.

other than that though, i dont really see much of a similarity.
Gickies Gageeze said:
ya, i guess the guiat is somewhat similiar at the beginning of stateless compared to thom's guitar in talk show host.

other than that though, i dont really see much of a similarity.

True, maybe it's just the trip-hoppy feel.

Yeah, there are no quotes about guns and sandwiches in Stateless, so it's probaby just the guitar.
It is one of the few U2 songs that I hated on first listen and grown to love, love, love! I often wonder what it is about; any thoughts?
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ultraviolet353 said:
It is one of the few U2 songs that I hated on first listen and grown to love, love, love! I often wonder what it is about; any thoughts?

It's about having no home in this world, just gravity, luck and time.
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