Is anyone else still holding out (i.e. NOT downloading)?

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i can't even imagine not hearing the album at this point! i hope you both enjoy it as much as i have! :)
WOW! Congrats everyone that made it this Mikal said i can't even imagine not hearing it now..But i hope you guys enjoy it in two days...actually i'm pretty excited myself and after SNL last night well i can hardly wait so lets hope tomorrow goes really fast for all of us virgins and non virgins!!! :) :dance:
I bought the japanese import for 34$ in Vegas, at virgin records with my friend. We drove 2 hours to get to Vegas barley made it before it closed, and then blasted it outside on the parking lot for everyone to hear, man I LOVE THIS ALBUM, SERIOUSLY- I LOVE U2, THIS ALBUM IS SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!!
You don't need to keep holding out if you live in Australia. Ah, you poor people in North America, having to suffer another day!
i'm holding out. haven't downloaded anything, mainly cuz i have dial up.

although i did go to a u2 party at an irish pub here on friday nite and they played the whole new album. but it was so loud in there and hard to hear i only really heard some of it.
Man, I haven't posted here in quite a while...

Just showing some support for those who haven't downloaded the album yet...I plan on hearing it first (besides the two tracks last night on SNL) after buying the album at one of the midnight sales in the LA area...

XM radio, however, has been playing quite a few tracks from HTDAAB, so I've been staying on the "Sports Talk" stations the past month or so. :)
Still haven't heard anything more than Vertigo and parts of other stuff by accident. That will change tomorrow afternoon.
I have only downloaded Vertigo and I don't want to hear the rest. To me it's like opening a present before Christmas or your birthday. It's not any fun. I love opening the cellophane, looking at the booklet, smelling the plastic and getting surprised. Besides, I hear the band was not happy with the leak so I respect them. But I'm not much of a music downloader anyway, I was just never into it, Vertigo was honestly my first download.

I did hear SYCMIOYO on SNL:sad:
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I'm still holding out. All I've heard so far are Vertigo and 30 second clips of each song from

I'll listen to the CD on the way home from buying it tomorrow for $8.98 at Circuit City. or, will I play the new Alison Krauss CD on the way home? Big decision!
Yeah, I still am too. I pre ordered it about three weeks ago and I spent over thirty on the deluxe edition. I've waited for every one of their other ones. It's kind of like a tradition for me. To be honest, after hearing SYCMIOYO on SNL, I downloaded it. SORRY!
I am listening to the albumfor the first time right now and i can tell you it is worth every second i have had to hold out for! I was almost tempted to listen to the songs via the U2 .com website but was persuaded by some friends that considering we have waited a couple of years for the album, a few more days wouldn't make that big a difference!
Still holding out! Will be at Target tomorrow after the kids get on the bus at 8:15.

Listened live to Radio One, SNL and heard some on the radio. I guess I'm an old fashioned fart, but I can't wait for tomorrow.

My pre-order shipped early this morning from CD Universe for the deluxe DVD/Book set.
Holding out? Yeah, I'm a cheapskate..


What wrong with me? Just because I'm out of town and I know my copy has arrived in the mail at home doesn't mean that I can't...

AAARRGH!!! I should never have come here.. two more weeks out of town... y'all are going to be a bad influence on me!!!

beating my horns into the dirt...



damn horns fell off
I'm holding out also...I like going to buy it the day it comes out. I have a tradition of buying it at midnight, but for some reason my local Virgin Megastore is not able to do it this time around....Now I have to wait till morning, and I wanted it for my drive to Vegas. Now I'll have to wait till I get there.
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