Tea Anyone?

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Oh, I know. We have Meijer here, which is a lot like Wal-Mart, Only better! :) Just b/c we went grocery shopping, I did go out and get some diet lipton green tea with citrus. While I do like the taste, I am sure there's more out there, and I can't wait to try it. :wink:

Thanks for the info kids
Got Philk? said:
Wait, Chris Martin posted on this?

Anyway, I just was thinking, would it be worth checking out a nutrition or health type store rather than just a super walmart or local grocery?

I don't know if you have one where you live, but I'd definately look at what's available at Whole Food's Market. You can find plenty of unsweetened bottle teas that do pretty well in taste.
Grocery teas (Celestial Seasonings, Twinnigs, etc.) are good to start. However, when you're ready for the loose stuff, it's time to graduate to health food stores. And it doesn't have to be specialized either - Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage. Adagio and Republic of Tea are excellent. I've kinda drifted off to Rishi and Golden Moon Tea. I think these latter two are better than the former.

They all come from the same camelia sinensis plant, but prepared in different degrees of fermentation; hence, the different varieties - white tea, green tea, oolong, and black tea. Each is excellent in their own right and is really a matter of preference. They can be sipped pure or flavored. Again, a matter of preference.

But they can be addicted and in the end, you may find your cupboard full of little tins loose tea leaves.

Tejava has a really good bottled tea without sweetener or anything else weird in it. It's the only bottled tea I've tried that I like.

Trader Joe's has it. I also saw it at the ABC stores in Hawaii, but that probably doesn't help you. :)
Have you tried white tea? It's great, and great for you. There's also hot chocolate. The problem with both of these, however, is that you have to put the time in to make healthy versions. The fast food places haven't caught up on that aspect.

I'm still a sucker for plain, old carbonation when I'm eating on the run. A sub with a tea or water just isn't right. I need those fizzy damn bubbles.
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