Mount Disappointment, Victoria, Australia Superthread

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You may scoff, but I only just finished that absinthe I poured seven months ago.

Fuck, it was so sugary, feels like I've eaten a bag of liquorice.


Took your time, Bonnie. :scoff:
I have this big theory that you're correct. Because the main guy behind MGS admitted that it was one of his favourite movies. :D

Ahh. I didn;nt know that.
I made that whole thing when i was like 14 or 15 or something. and i neve bothered my arse to actually see if it was true.
on a realted note, i love MGS.
The guard that has intestinal problems makes me laugh so fucking hard every time i play it. :laugh:
What I love about EFNY is that it's essentially a videogame. Like, everything's just laid out like that - going down broadway with all the people already lined up throwing rocks at the car, fighting that fatass, flying the glider - it's totally a videogame.
on a realted note, i love MGS.
The guard that has intestinal problems makes me laugh so fucking hard every time i play it. :laugh:

I'm not totally familiar with it, I've played the games of course and there was one time when I was really into finishing MGS2, but on the whole I'm no expert. But I'm definitely going to check out the new one once I get a PS3. :drool:
What I love about EFNY is that it's essentially a videogame. Like, everything's just laid out like that - going down broadway with all the people already lined up throwing rocks at the car, fighting that fatass, flying the glider - it's totally a videogame.

Haha, yeah pretty much/
I'm not totally familiar with it, I've played the games of course and there was one time when I was really into finishing MGS2, but on the whole I'm no expert. But I'm definitely going to check out the new one once I get a PS3. :drool:

I;ve beaten the firs t two and played three.
i like the first one best and have the prettied up version for GC.

i really have no desie to get a PS3. Unless they truly do remake FF7 for it. I sold my game consoles except for my NES anyway. but i can stil play 'em 'caus my bro has 'em.

though i do want a Nintendo DS fr the sole purpose of the remake of Dragon Quest IV. :drool: my favourite game of al time.
The right slash indicates that you may have intended to type a question mark. I enjoy this.

This is great. At least we now know Serena is not immune to everything.

The rather strong painkillers I took for my ears didn't do this to me. So there, Serena!
I'm not gonna get a PS3 until God of War III is released. Now that it's confirmed, hopefully that'll be within the next year or so. :drool: But since Soul Calibur 4 is still at Myers and nobody's come up to me and told me that I should let someone else have a go (which I'm totally polite with, as soon as someone enters the area I ask them or leave briefly) and where was I. But it's a good game.
I'm not gonna get a PS3 until God of War III is released. Now that it's confirmed, hopefully that'll be within the next year or so. :drool: But since Soul Calibur 4 is still at Myers and nobody's come up to me and told me that I should let someone else have a go (which I'm totally polite with, as soon as someone enters the area I ask them or leave briefly) and where was I. But it's a good game.

I don't really play many video games anymore. Except for the whoring I do with my Nintendo but that's entitled to it because hey, I've played that game since I was 5. But my PS2 and gamecube were collecting dust, so I got rid of them.

Back in the day, I used to play them so fucking much. I'm still a self-proclaimed FF master, though.
On RYM, there's a thread discussing who has the biggest discography, and noise artists have been a little derided for their absurd output. This post on the issue cracked me up:

I'm going to make a double disc noise album. I'm going to get my computer microphone and put it next to my bread maker, turn it on.... bake some bread and then leave it recording until it Finishes. It will be awesome!

Oh and the cover art will be a photo of the finished Bread.

And holy shit, something like this has actually been done!

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