I really like Vangelis

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Blue Meth Addict
Aug 12, 2000
I know this isnt exactly the kind of music that's normally talked about here, but I have to say I've been a big Vangelis fan for about 5 years or so. I dont listen to his stuff as much as I'd like to lately, but everytime I do I'm blown away.

My favorites:

1492 - Conquest of Paradise soundtrack
Blade Runner Soundtrack
Chariots of Fire Soundtrack (I liove that movie too)
Opera Sauvage
etc, etc, etc, etc, etc.

Just an amazing musician. I really recommend the album 'Vangelis - Themes'. It has a mix of all his best songs up until 1989. I also think that the '1492 Conquest of Paradise' soundtrack is fantastic.
No one here even knows who Vangelis is? :down:

I've never been so disappointed in you all
Things I know about Vangelis:

a) He's Greek
b) He used to be in a scary prog rock band called "Aphrodite's Child" that released this amazingly bombastic album about the end-times called 666
c) He composed the theme to Chariots Of Fire

Do not fear mofoman, for I have arrived and I count Vangelis as one of my favourite artists. I was introduced to him through the Blade Runner soundtrack which is one of my favourite movies, and then I heard more and more of his stuff. The Vangelis - Portraits collection is a good starting point, though I don't know how it compares to 'themes'.

Songs I adore to no end: Hymn, Monastery of La Rabida, and well a bunch of others.

here's a question though.. how do you pronounce his name?
I love Vangelis. His work on 1492 is beautiful! I also really adore Ennio Moricone (sp?)

I am addicted to Soundtrack scores.
First time I heard of Vangelis was ten years ago. Antarctica still being my favorite album by him. It offers some very beautiful themes... and his sounds were near to being unique at that time. His work on 1492/ Conquest theme track is pseudo-melodramatic, if you ask me. Especially this weird male choir, I really think its way too thick, lmao, and the snare drums, and a few other arrangement thingies. But well, why not, as long as some like it.
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Bladerunner and Chariots of Fire are both favourites...1492 was good too but not quite as consistent in quality. His score to The Bounty was quite exceptional also but I've never seen the cd around anywhere :(

*smiles sweetly at sweetest while flipping the bird
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