Clue...PLEBA Mansion Style

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Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Sep 15, 2000
San Antonio/Austin, TX
T'was a stormy evening at PLEBA Mansion, the girls were gathered in the living room watching a cheezy 80's horror movie marathon.

Clarity: Man I can't believe I thought these movies were scary back then.

Disco: Gawd yeah they're so cheezy!

MG: Well when I was little I used to think Freddy Krueger was chasing after the bathroom.

Ana: In the bathroom?!?!?!

MG: Yeah, it's a recurring dream I have every year.

All: *crickets*

Bluey: Soooo anyway, thanks for having me over girls, Mackie is busy on some business and with this storm I didn't want to stay in that huge mansion by myself.

Clarity: Ahh no probs girlie, we're always glad to have you over.

AE:*shivers at the movie and hides behind the couch*

MG: Awww AE sweetie are you scared?

AE:*peeks out from behind the couch and nods*

Disco: Don't be scared. It's only on tv, it's not real life.

*A scream is heard upstairs as the lights go off in the mansion*

Clarity: What was that????

Bluey: I heard screaming! What the hell is happening???

Disco: Fook the lights went out!

Ana: I'm scared.

MG:*screams* Lemonboy?!?! Get in here!

Clarity: Here's a flashlight. *turns it on* Are you girls ok?

Disco: Yeah we're fine but, who screamed??

Lemonboy:*runs in out of breath* Are you girls ok??

All: yeah!

MG: Lemonboy please go down into the basement and see if you can fix the problem.

Lemonboy: Aye Aye cap'n!'m scared can somebody come with me?

Ana: I'll go with you.

Lemonboy: Ok we'll be right back. *goes to the basement with Ana*

Clarity: AE? Where did AE run to?

Bluey: Probably to hide somewhere.

MG: Hey! Somebody is grabbing my thigh!!!

Clarity: Ohh sorry twin I thought that was my leg.

*The lights turn back on*

Disco:*whew* That's better. Now what the hell happened?

MG: I'm sure it was the storm that turned out the lights.

Clarity: Then what was that scream?

All: OH yeah!

Lemonboy:*walks in* It's all fixed now, it seems like somebody turned out the switch, it wasn't the storm


Ana: Then, let's go find out who's scream that was.

Bluey: Yeah! Let's go!

*The girls and Lemonboy go upstairs checking each bedroom making sure the girls are ok, when suddenly they come to a door opening it...*


MG: Oh NO!

Clarity: It can't be!

Disco:*shrieks in horror*

Bluey: It's....

THE Larry Mullen Jr Page

Member and Creator of Larry's Angels Harley Club.

"I hit things for a living. I hit things and people clap!" --Larry


Larry: Get me off this fookin booooooooos!

[This message has been edited by Mullen-Girl (edited 03-04-2002).]
Bluey: It's Echo! She's...dead.


Clarity: Oh gawd not Echo!

Disco: We have to find out who did this!

Ana: She was so nice, *sniffle*

Lemonboy: Well who could have done this?

MG: Well we have to find a motive, if this person is still here they could kill any one of us!


Clarity: Yeah I don't want to die! How was she killed?

Disco: It looks like she was suffocated, so maybe with a pillow?

Bluey: Yeah i'm thinking that's what happened. Poor Echo...*covers Echo with a sheet*

Lemonboy: Well i'll call the Garda, they should be here to catch whoever did it! *picks up the phone and gasps*

Ana: What is it?

Lemonboy: The phone is....dead.

MG: OH great! Looks like we're all going to die tonight.

Clarity: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't want to die until I defile Larry!!! *cries*

Disco: Girls! we've got to calm down and think...Who would want Echo dead?

Bluey: Disco is right, if we panic then we really will be dead..Let's go downstairs into the living room and think this over.

*The girls leave Echo's room closing the door and go downstairs into the living room, sitting down*

Bluey:*gets out paper and pen* Ok we've got to write down names of who we think would want Echo dead. Any ideas?

MG: Well how about Scottphisto?

Clarity: Yeah he's a phisto and eeeeevil at times so he could be a suspect.

Bluey: Ok *writes it down* Who else?

Disco: How about Mona?

Ana: Her best friend?!?!?!

Disco: Sure, sometimes they had fights. Maybe Mona got so tired of Echo that she killed her.

Bluey: Alright, Mona. *writes* Anybody else?

Lemonboy: How about AE?

MG: Good one Lemonboy I didn't even think of him!

Lemonboy: Yeah after being her robotic friend maybe he accidentally shorted out and went killing the person he cared about most.

Bluey: Good point. ok, so we've got Scottphisto, Mona and AE. We should get them in the room and interview them.

MG: Good idea! Let's go find them!

*The gang split up looking for the 3 of the suspects and gathers them in the living room*

Mona:*crying* I can't believe my best friend is dead!

Clarity: There there girlie *hugs Mona* It'll be ok.

Bluey:*crosses out Mona's name from the list, thinking* It can't be Mona.

Scottphisto:*sighs* it's quite a loss, Echo was a nice person.

Disco: Where were you when all this happened Scottphisto?

Scottphisto: Well I was fixing one of the vending machines in the main hallway when all of a sudden the lights went out and I heard a scream. I stayed where I was because I didn't want to fall over my stuff. I heard footsteps of 2 people walking by, a guy and a girl and then the lights turned back on and that's it.

Bluey: Hmm ok. Did you like Echo?

Scottphisto: Sure I liked her, we had some good times together.

Disco: So no motive to kill her then??

Scottphisto:*gasps* NO! I would never kill anybody, well anybody I liked at least..

MG: Hmm..ok, well there's only one person left...AE..
Welcome Back Mullen-Girl!! You were missed alot around here!!

"OH, SINNY- er,um- SPINNY!" (freudian slip?)-JulyFly

"Here I go and I don't know why
I spin so ceaselessly
Could it be he's taken over me????
All:*look at AE*


Clarity: AE....did you kill Echo?

AE:*shakes his head no*

MG: Are you sure???


Lemonboy: Well why don't we check out his wiring on the back, he could be lying to us if he's like in some evil mode.

Disco: Good idea, open him up!


Bluey: How will we know if he's in good or evil mood? I mean we didn't order him or know how to fix him!

Mona: I know! Echo *sniffle* taught me a couple of times. *opens him up and looks at the switch* Hmmm he's set in the good mood. Then it couldn't have been AE.

Ana: Who was it then???

Scottphisto: Did you girls check the pulse to see if Echo was dead?

MG: Um, I didn't. Did anybody else?

All: No

Lemonboy: Well then maybe she was just sleeping...

*Everybody runs upstairs and goes into Echo's room*

Mona:*shakes Echo* ECHO WAKE UP!!!

Echo:*opens eyes* Wha??...what happened?


Echo: Alive? of course i'm alive what are you talking about?

Ana: We all thought you were dead, we heard screaming and we..

Echo: Oh! The scream! yeah I had a nightmare and I screamed out. But i'm not dead!

All:*let out sigh of relief*

Bluey: Gawd that was scary. Let's go downstairs and finish watching our movies.

MG: Yeah, I so need to relax after all this.

*The girls and boys go downstairs to watch tv, talking about the adventure they had that night, that they will never forget.*

The End.
*AE fuzzies*

"It never ceases to amaze me. Here, we have a man who claims professes to enjoy flower arranging, has no qualms over donning a skirt at any given time and, now we learn, prefers to use the ladies' restroom. And yet somehow he manages to embody all that is masculine and sexy. I don't know how he does it. " ~Hallelujah Here She Comes, about Adam

I love how we're just like she's dead! OMG! Moving on... So matter of fact. LOL. Again, how did you know I'm always the "lets make a list of the murder suspects" person? I mean... ummm... not that I've done that before, noooo.

LOL! YAY, glad you're back sweetie!!!
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