Philly 10/17 DVD Tree

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Achtung Ya'll

War Child
Jun 12, 2000
North Carolina
Ok so it's time to give a little back.

I'm starting a DVD tree for the 10/17 Philadelphia DVD that was on U2torrents.

I'm gonna make five copies (10 discs since it's a 2 disc show). And then the five that get them are asked to do whatever they can to get the show to other people.

SO I'll take the first 4 replies (I'm already adding scottyT from the other Philly thread) and mail 'em off soon!


Be careful because there is a problem with Disc 2.

I've already downloaded and burned and 1 works fine but 2 has problems.

He has since reposted just Disc 2 which I'm downloading right now. I would do that before you burn.

Can I please get (2) copies for my friend & I??? You can reach me here...sweetcheetah08@aol.
Thanks Lorraine
Wow this got moved and then the responses poured in. Kick ass.
Ok so these are the people I'm sending a copy to. I'll email you with details!

2.)siblis (sorry only one copy per person)
I'd like to get in on this, so if any of the 5 can burn and send me a copy, I'll offer 5 to Interferencers as soon as my hubby installs my new DVD burner.

PS I haven't forgotten my promise to Sammi or Patti.
Haven't gotten mine yet but I think its the same one that came off ebay which I already have. I'd give it a C overall. The camerawork is pretty shoddy and the audio is average quality. I'd love to combine it with the audio of the show to improve it.

They have two different angles and of course during WOWY when I wanted the angle from the side, it was never used at all so hence my wife wasn't in the picture when Bono handed her the mic.

Oh well I'll just have to keep on searching.
Hola! After a week away I returned back home and what a surprise in my post box!

Achtung Ya`ll rulez!!!! Thanx a lot.
:no: that wasn't me, we had emailed about thetradersden about two months ago, that might be what you are thinking of. Its all good.
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