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Feb 4, 2005
N Ireland, UK
The 3rd Croke Park show (June 27th) has been on sale since 9am GMT this morning. This was a totally surprise announcement, completely without warning. GAs are all gone, but nosebleed seats are still available, so head to Ticketmaster Ireland right now. Good luck! See you on the 27th! The limit is 2 tickets per person.

Spread the word about this, because there doesn't seem to have been a general announcement. I found out at 9.38am when I checked my emails and there was notification from a concert promoter mailing list. I logged onto Ticketmaster straight away and scored some great seats.
Ah that was bloody awful... I was so determined that I was going to get tickets for this gig after my disasterous attempt to get to one of the other two (camping all night, getting within 10 people of the front of the queue before it sold out etc...). I was all set to queue for 24 hours if thats what it took. Instead I wake up at 10 this morning, log on here and finf out they have been on sale for an hour already!

Jumped on my bike, went into town, joined the pretty short queue only to be the first in the queue not to get tickets... I am SO pissed off!!! It's such an unfair way to sell these tickets...

Thankfully a good friend went online and managed to get two tickets. Unfortunately they are seated and in two totally different parts of the stadium. I'm going to take one of them from him cos it'll be better to be there than not at all. Still, i might be tempted to go to the scalpers for the fri or sat night - I really want to get onto the pitch with my mates...

I can't believe the demand for tickets this time around. Thats 240,000 tickets sold out for Dublin - absolutely crazy! I was lucky enough to see U2 four times on the Elevation tour, right up close to the stage in GA each time! I hope I get to see them just once close up this year...
MrBTH said:
Ah that was bloody awful... I was so determined that I was going to get tickets for this gig after my disasterous attempt to get to one of the other two (camping all night, getting within 10 people of the front of the queue before it sold out etc...). I was all set to queue for 24 hours if thats what it took. Instead I wake up at 10 this morning, log on here and finf out they have been on sale for an hour already!

I know EXACTLY what you mean.... They have royally screwed this one up
Hey Dizzy, Ticketmaster seem to be still selling individual seated tickets - I tried it oit thrtr and theres no chance of two together but if you put down one its pretty easy to get a canal end ticket. Bit shit to be going alone I know but better than nothing... They take Lazer as well so you don't need a credit card....
Dizzy Izzy said:

I hope that was sarcasim... because if it's not your one stupid person...

I totally sympathise if you didn't get tickets, but do you really have to go around being bloody abusive to people? :huh:
mirrorballman said:
i cant blame them, i think it was a good move!

if they would have announced it before ticketmaster would have been majorly jammed again and no tix for anybody!

It was definitely not a good move mate. Limiting sales to two per person would have kept the scalpers under control. As it stands the ticketmaster agents around the country probably warned their scaper mates (a generalisation but it happens A LOT) first thing this morning. I would bet that more scalpers knew the tickets were on sale this morning than genuine fans. At least if some sort of announcement had been made via the internet, here or on U2.com last night we would have had some preparation time. I would have been willing to queue ALL NIGHT for good tickets to this gig as I'm sure thousands and thousands of other people were. And maybe I wouldn't have gotten tickets in the end but at least I'd feel like I'd had a fair chance....

Anyway, its crap, it was probably a ticketmaster/promoter decision rather than a U2 decision and we'll just have to get over it and not take it too badly...
Dizzy Izzy said:

I hope that was sarcasim... because if it's not your one stupid person...
oh really am a stupid person? nice one, why isnt it a good move? who says you have a divine right to these tickets? they can do whatever they want simple as that, and i bet that there will be many more irish people who have got tickets this time round, so that makes it a good move
MrBTH said:

It was definitely not a good move mate. Limiting sales to two per person would have kept the scalpers under control. As it stands the ticketmaster agents around the country probably warned their scaper mates (a generalisation but it happens A LOT) first thing this morning. I would bet that more scalpers knew the tickets were on sale this morning than genuine fans. At least if some sort of announcement had been made via the internet, here or on U2.com last night we would have had some preparation time. I would have been willing to queue ALL NIGHT for good tickets to this gig as I'm sure thousands and thousands of other people were. And maybe I wouldn't have gotten tickets in the end but at least I'd feel like I'd had a fair chance....

Anyway, its crap, it was probably a ticketmaster/promoter decision rather than a U2 decision and we'll just have to get over it and not take it too badly...

mate i understand the frustration, and fair enough, if you live in dublin you should have first access to the tix...

but there is really no way doing this without somebody not complaining bout it. if they would have announced it beforehand, we would have seen the exact same chaos like 3 months ago...

most box offices in IE had tix (the majority of tix was spread amongst them), ticketmaster had the minority (yet enough to last for 2 hours...)...

McGuinness announced beginning of the week that they'll give more info later this week. And if you remember the Slane 2 presale, you had to see it coming somehow...

I was counting on an announcement in the morning and presale in the afternoon either friday or saturday. (also because the other presales were on a saturday)...

But again, I understand your point of view. And I hope you still get the tickets you want mate!

Good luck!
MrBTH said:

It was definitely not a good move mate. Limiting sales to two per person would have kept the scalpers under control.

that's all they had to do...
And if I'd gotten no ticket at all I think I'd be being abusive to people making comments about what a great idea this ticket sale was... Give the guy a break - he's bound to be absolutely fuming and its TOTALLY understandable...
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KUEFC09U2 said:
oh really am a stupid person? nice one, why isnt it a good move? who says you have a divine right to these tickets? they can do whatever they want simple as that, and i bet that there will be many more irish people who have got tickets this time round, so that makes it a good move

put it like this.

I'm Irish and do i have tickets? No.
MrBTH said:
And if I'd gotten no ticket at all I think I'd be being abusive to people making idiotic comments about what a great idea this ticket sale was... Give the guy a break - he's bound to be absolutely fuming and its TOTALLY understandable...
ah yes, lets all give the abusive twat a brake, look at his post in the thread "i got tickets to the 3rd show" then tell me should we give him a brake
Dizzy Izzy said:

put it like this.

I'm Irish and do i have tickets? No.
and lets put it like this, what gives you the divine right to have tickets? get over it, am sure many more irish people got them, just not you
MrBTH said:
And if I'd gotten no ticket at all I think I'd be being abusive to people making comments about what a great idea this ticket sale was... Give the guy a break - he's bound to be absolutely fuming and its TOTALLY understandable...

Thanks man, someone understands...
I'm saying I can totally understand how he feels mate - and people like you making trite comments don't make things any easier....
MrBTH said:
I'm saying I can totally understand how he feels mate - and people like you making trite comments don't make things any easier....
how am i making trite comments? the way they have done it mean more irish people get tickets, if they would have had a normal pre-sale and the system crashes people will moan about too many british people, or american people getting tickets to "there show", when U2 decide to do it differently and just put tickets for sale in IRISH OUTLETS alone, with no warning to give people a fairer chance people still moan, they cant frickin win, and then you have idots like him turning round to someone who put a message saying they got tickets to the show, and him telling them "fuck you"? just because they got tickets? and you dont class that as being harsh?
Dizzy Izzy said:

Thanks man, someone understands...

mate, though its shit that as an irish resident you didnt get the tix u want, you have to understand that theres no way they could do another normal presale (without the chaos of 3 months ago).

They gave everyone a chance again this time (which i thought was weird, i thought this would be an "only uk/ie residents only" sale), more tickets at the box offices, less on ticketmaster (for internationals)...

you had to see it coming that there would be no announcement!

but again: i think it would have been "fair" to only have a "all uk/ie residents only" presale at the beginning...

and i still hope you get your tix!

by the way: there is NO way to stop scalpers! not the 2 limit thing, not the spontaneous start of the presale:


and the presale just started couple hours ago...keep track of ebay and see what a horrendous amount we'll have by end of the weekend. its disgusting...
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Ok lets just settle down here.

First off i apologise to uwwedoogie for the comment i made in his topic, it was a bit of momentary rage.

Secondly i know there is no way to stop scalpers but hopefully we'll be seing less of the bastards.

And lastly i have no right at all to get tickets, but as a loyal fan who was willing to do anything to get them, then the tickets go on sale without warning and anyone and everyone buying them i feel a bit cheated. I know there is always going to be problems and not everyone is going to be happy but i still hard done by.
Selfish? Meybe. But it's still how i feel.

Again apologies to those who i offended...
Its harsh but it's understandable! Personally I think he should edit that comment out because it was made in the heat of the moment, just like I called yours and others comments "idiotic" in the heat of the moment... But it's understandable that he is feeling completely furious and is lashing out. I swear if it hadn't been for my mate getting me that pretty crappy loner ticket (but it's still a ticket and I'm so happy to have it) I would be up the walls at this stage!! Seriously, it's just the fact that it's so easy to get emotional about this band and the thought of !!!NOT GETTING TO SEE THEM!!! is bloody awful for most of the people on here.

I still question the assertion that it "gave people a fairer chance". I realize there would have been problems whether it had been announced beforehand or not, and there will always be people, even true fans, left out. I am certain that the scalper (touts as we call them) fraternity here in Ireland of which there are many, were mobilized this morning LONG before the average joe. And that thought alone is enough to piss me off severely. At least had some form of announcement been made there was A CHANCE that I or some other real fan could have been first in the queue, guaranteed good tickets and able to actually TAKE ADVANTAGE of the other laudable arrangements such as the majority of tickets being available to TM outlets and the limits to only two per person.

Knowing that "more irish people" got tickets does not make it any less disappointing or infuriating for people like me or Dizzy who missed out through sheer bad luck over which we had no control or choice. And thats a really shitty way to lose out on something you have dreamed about and wished for for months and years....
MrBTH said:
Its harsh but it's understandable! Personally I think he should edit that comment out because it was made in the heat of the moment, just like I called yours and others comments "idiotic" in the heat of the moment... But it's understandable that he is feeling completely furious and is lashing out. I swear if it hadn't been for my mate getting me that pretty crappy loner ticket (but it's still a ticket and I'm so happy to have it) I would be up the walls at this stage!! Seriously, it's just the fact that it's so easy to get emotional about this band and the thought of !!!NOT GETTING TO SEE THEM!!! is bloody awful for most of the people on here.

I still question the assertion that it "gave people a fairer chance". I realize there would have been problems whether it had been announced beforehand or not, and there will always be people, even true fans, left out. I am certain that the scalper (touts as we call them) fraternity here in Ireland of which there are many, were mobilized this morning LONG before the average joe. And that thought alone is enough to piss me off severely. At least had some form of announcement been made there was A CHANCE that I or some other real fan could have been first in the queue, guaranteed good tickets and able to actually TAKE ADVANTAGE of the other laudable arrangements such as the majority of tickets being available to TM outlets and the limits to only two per person.

Knowing that "more irish people" got tickets does not make it any less disappointing or infuriating for people like me or Dizzy who missed out through sheer bad luck over which we had no control or choice. And thats a really shitty way to lose out on something you have dreamed about and wished for for months and years....

I did edit the post as i realised my mistake and so corrected it.

And your right, knowing that others got tickets doesn't make us feel better but i suppose i should now try to look about tickets somewhere else. Who knows i might actually get one for less than 200 quid...
@MrBTH & Dizzy izzy: If you keep checking there are still tix popping up on TM from time to time, give it a try!!! I think they'll be tix coming all day long...in very small amounts, just try 1!
Just tried bout 20-30 mins ago once, and had options for STANDING!

keep trying, and good luck!!!
Dizzy Izzy said:

I did edit the post as i realised my mistake and so corrected it.

And your right, knowing that others got tickets doesn't make us feel better but i suppose i should now try to look about tickets somewhere else. Who knows i might actually get one for less than 200 quid...

Dizzy, as I said before, I do totally sympathise and understand u'r frustration.

Someone posted a rumour that tix would go on sale at 9am today in another forum...it was pure luck that I saw that post and a minor miracle that I was able to drag my arse out of bed to be online in time for the sale.

I haven't received an order confirmation from TM yet, but if I do get one, I might have a couple of spare GA's for 27th which I'd be prepared to sell to you for face value. Email me if u want u2fan12000@yahoo.co.uk.
Hey thanks mirrorballman... It's weird but true, I'm just clicking through the site and I have been given lots of options for just one ticket - seems to be completely impossible to get two together. Ive already committed to the one my mate has offered but It looks like there are some even better options popping up...Give it a go dizzy, going alone mightn't be so bad! You are bound to meet some nice folks to keep you company!!

Good luck...
Well i'm gonna keep trying and hopefully something will pop up...

Thanks guys for the support lets just keep hoping.
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