this is what happens when you study counseling.....

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War Child
Sep 2, 2000
Half a mile from what she said...
Um, if you understand the neurotic disorder, this might make a little more sense. maybe it makes sense anyway.

Neurotic Love?

Do I need you
because I love you?
or do I love you
because I need you?
like Janus
with two faces
I and he
he is part of me
but he is not me
and I am not him
but I am him

he is me
when I
am not me

he and I
we are me
and I am I
I am not him
and never will be
there is just me
and this love I have
I will give to you
but I must first
give it to me

self awareness can be a painful thing sometimes...

this came out of thinking about myself and my neurotic tendancies. the struggle of the neurotic is the battle between the Real Self and the Ideal Self. neurotics run from anxiety by creating an Ideal Self, thus losing themselves in the process. they hate who they are so they try to be someone else.

you can't love another until you love youself...

[This message has been edited by popkidu2 (edited 12-17-2001).]
shit I understood it too..
very well in fact

someone once told me they gave up studying psychology in college because they found that everything made perfect sense and seemed to describe them..and she found it rather scary.

i think maybe we all have those tendencies
Originally posted by BabyGrace:
shit I understood it too..
very well in fact

someone once told me they gave up studying psychology in college because they found that everything made perfect sense and seemed to describe them..and she found it rather scary.

i think maybe we all have those tendencies

It's called "Interns Deseise. I wouldn't sweat it. Most people have neurotic tendancies, mild depression etc. What differs "normal" mentally healthy people from neurotics, borderline, or psychotic people is that in the latter cases, it prevents them from living a normal life.

That said, there are some people with things like obsessive compulsive disorder and scitzophrenia who are quite comfortable living with their syndroms. So it really isn't if you exhibit some or all of the symptoms of a mental disorder, but how those syndroms affect your life.

The poem that I wrote comes out of a long journey I am on personally about who I am. For a long time I didn't love myself, but didn't even know it. Now I know it, and I'm trying to love who I am, not some mythical person that I want to be.
I understood what you meant popkiddie and i know what it feels like. You should be proud of who you are, youre a very concientious and caring person. but I also know having people say that won't fix the problem. good luck
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