Ziggy Zigg AH

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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No. Although, I will admit to liking one or two of their songs. :reject:

What can I say? I was young and stupid.
ylimeU2 said:
No. Although, I will admit to liking one or two of their songs. :reject:

What can I say? I was young and stupid.



That hurt, Teethy. We all have things in our past we are ashamed of. Why must you pick on me for having the courage to confess something so embarrasing?

They're fun! Probably about once a year, my daughter and I whip out their cds, sing at the top of our lungs and dance like idiots.

At least I'm secure enough to admit it.

Bri? Did you want to add something, here? :eyebrow:
I loved all those songs from Wannabe to even Goodbye! They're good fun and I'm not gonna post a reject smiley. :wink:
VintagePunk said:

Bri? Did you want to add something, here? :eyebrow:

Who me? I have no idea what you're talking about. :shifty:

Fine, fine...I'll (wo)man up.
They are fun!
I own a CD or two, I remember the craze during my youthful days, and I can still sing along when I wanna!

Cause cmon, sometimes you just really really really wanna zigg a zig ah. :hi5:
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