Its hard raising a tween

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lucky charms said:
I wonder if half the problem is these days, kids grow up way too fast - certainly faster then when I was growing up. Hell I dont think we had sex-education until we here half way through high school, and my tween knows way more than me at her age. It is really frightening to know this about her.

Hmmm, a lot of people would consider this a good thing. It's important to receive proper sex ed (from school AND parents) when kids are first becoming curious. I had a few weeks of sex ed when I was 10 (5th grade) and then an entire course devoted to it again when I was 12 (7th grade). Personally I think earlier is better, as long as parents are involved, because we're already seeing a decline in teenage pregnancies. Kids may be having the same amount of sex as teens, but it looks like they are being safer and smarter about it now than "back then". Honestly I don't think kids now or when I was younger are any more sexually active than they were when my parents were kids. It's just that when my parents grew up, people had this presumption of innocence :wink:
i think it's also good to note that "kids today" smoke less, drink less, use drugs less, and get pregnant less than kids did 15 years ago.

so it's not all bad.
Irvine511 said:
^ this post was so funny, i think i'm going to copy and past it in my little Interference document

and, yes, were i to have/adopt children, i'd pray they'd be nerds as well.

We should hook up and write a self help book:
How To Raise The Perfect Daggy Little Nerd Child.

We could make millions! Corduoury and plaid has never been so appealing :drool:
These posts are interesting to me, because I didn't go through that phase of being nasty to my Mom. I think the big thing was that she was a super ambitious, accomplished woman and I didn't see so much of her growing up once I turned around 8 or 9. My grandmothers had a huge role in raising us and one of them eventually moved in with us when I was 12. I think that is a big part of why we didn't clash - we weren't in each others' faces as much. Whereas my relationship with my grandmothers is not as good as it is with my Mom.

I have an awesome relationship with my Mom as an adult and it's kind of nice not to carry that baggage around.
Angela Harlem said:

We should hook up and write a self help book:
How To Raise The Perfect Daggy Little Nerd Child.

We could make millions! Corduoury and plaid has never been so appealing :drool:


it's a deal.
Irvine511 said:

while i don't doubt that all the stuff that goes on in "Thirteen" is true, it's hardly representative of the typical teenage experience. kind of like how probably everything that happened in "Kids" actually happened, i just don't think it happens all in one 24 hour time period to every kid everywhere and every day.

Yes, that movie certainly was the worst-case scenario.
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