I think I've lost my mind.....

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New Yorker
Oct 24, 2001
mainly in my fantasy land.....ooooo how I wish it
....so if you see it, please return it to me.

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

Somehow in the....9 years that I've been working, I managed to NEVER misplace a thing at work, at least nothing important. Sure I'd lose a pen here and there and maybe a pad of sticky notes would walk away, but nothing of a patients. I started working in the medical world at 18, now I'm going to be 27 and in the past month and a half I have somehow lost, misplaced, or God only knows what else I could have done with it....two different patients notes that the doctors fill in on every visit.

The first time, I was 110% sure I didn't even get the notes back in the first place. We tore the entire office apart, looked through every single chart--3 times, every drawer, cabinet, under things, on top of things...oh and when I say WE I really do mean---ME or I.

I went out of my mind worrying that time. This is the first "office" job I've had, working in a doctors office. I kept beating myself up--I worked in a hospital for 3 years, on a freaking cardiac floor. I took orders directly from the doctors and placed them in the charts and in the computer and not ONCE did I ever lose or misplace an order. WHY the hell would I lose this???

But alas.....seeing as how I am seriously going in sane now....it's happened again. Only this time I think I do really remember having the patients notes. I filed all the rest. Why the hell would I not have filed that one? :shrug:

I've searched through the doctors offices, their piles of notes, every single file once again, the magazines--because hey I guess you never know till you look, the x-ray files. Nothing. Nada. Zip. :angry:

So of course all I can think of is that I've really lost my mind. At the very least it's betrayed the hell out of me.
All I can wonder is....do I maybe black out and still function....or do I have a split personality that only comes out when no one's around me at work and it's vindictive and hides a patients notes on me every few months????

Then again I'm sitting here thinking....damn it I just had my 90 day review last week and was given a raise and told I was doing well. Were they just saying that and they're actually doing this to me? Are they trying to test me or are they trying to frame me so they can have "reason" to fire me?????

This is so not cool. I'm really really questioning if something's wrong with me. I called my husband and burst in to tears as soon as he picked up. I emailed my parents to ask them if they've noticed anything different or wrong with me? Everyone laughed and said no, I'm letting my imagination get the better of me, I'm not going crazy.

HA! tell that to my mind.....because I am thinking maybe this isn't the job for me after all......I do think I'm either sabatoging myself or the doctors are doing it for me.
I would stop being so paranoid about why things are going missing. Yes, I guess it is possible that you are being sabotaged...all things are possible...but I doubt it.

Trust me, no matter how organized a person is, you can still misplace things. Lord knows I've had to go a-diggin' for things, and I really pride myself on keeping my department organized and efficient.

Have you been feeling tired or stressed out more than usual lately? I mean, besides the stress of misplacing things, of course. Maybe something is having an effect on your focus.
I hate when things like this happen. For me at work I was accused of having lost a customer's circuit card that was in for repair and for 2 months everyone in the company searched high and low for it but it was not to be found. Then one day out of the blue 2 guys came into my department in an effort to turn over every piece of paper and equipment till the card was found and low and behold if it wasn't found on my desk. It was never there before that day, it was not there the day before. I was set up. I got written up and the whole issue has never been forgotten. But I wracked my brain for weeks re-tracing steps and my tracks trying to find that card. It bugs me to this day but there's not much I can do about it so I let it roll off my back. Sometimes I just think shit just happens!
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