Does anyone remember that old, old, old thread....

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 20, 2000
southern california
I am trying my best to search the forum archives for it but I cannot find it.

Anyway, it was an old thread about a song someone had recorded off the radio that sounded like, A LOT, like late 80's U2 especially the vocals by the singer. I don't think we ever found out who that band was anyway, so I wanted to take another shot at it..

But as I said, I can't find the thread anyway.

Seriously, I think it was originally from 02 or 03.

I only posted here because it is, well, sort of U2 related. But the thread can be moved if necessary.
No clue David.

The only thing i remember from 02 or 03 was professing my love for sheep, and a lot of people were like :ohmy: and :huh:

I know it sounds bad, and there's a few haters, but the truth is there are some very closeted Sheppard's in here.

That is all.
This seems like a good place..

Back in 2000 before ATYCLB came out there was a leak on Napster.. The songs were all fake, but this is one of the songs that was leaked and touted as being Stuck in a Moment.. I could never find out who sung this song..Throwing the lyrics into google doesn't help. Some people say it sounds like Peter Gabriel but I could never find the song. Oh and I only have the first 2 mins of the song.

Maybe you guys might know... g a
There we go. Seems the links are dead. I like the one recommendation in the second attempt thread of using the Shazam app. Huh.
I think the recording sounds very amateurish. Maybe a local band who were buddies with the DJ?

"The sound gets drownded out"? C'mon. :doh:
Is there any audio from this? I would like to go insane for an hour or so trying to figure it out.
This seems like a good place..

Back in 2000 before ATYCLB came out there was a leak on Napster.. The songs were all fake, but this is one of the songs that was leaked and touted as being Stuck in a Moment.. I could never find out who sung this song..Throwing the lyrics into google doesn't help. Some people say it sounds like Peter Gabriel but I could never find the song. Oh and I only have the first 2 mins of the song.

Maybe you guys might know... g a

Tried to Soundhound yours but: There were no close matches

Shazaam says the same. Probably some band that was trying to release their own material and fuck people over.
Does anyone have a reupload of the links? Seems like this would be worth a listen...
i remember that thread. didn;t we conclude it was BVS doing the singing? :reject::D:applaud:

What the what? How did I get brought into this?

I do remember the song from various threads but couldn't find it on youtube.

NOBODY seems to able to give any clue and some serious music fans have racked their brains.

I thought it was a bit Simple Minds ish. I also remember the vocals/lyrics having some produciton flaws indicating it was perhaps a live recording and not a polished studio cut.

I live in vancouver and was a radio listening teen at the time and also asked some radio affiliated people. No clues.
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