Zootopia Update

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 28, 2004
Is anyone else having problems getting into Zootopia? I have been trying since Saturday and all I get is a blank screen!:ohmy:

If anyone has any info about this, I would REALLY appreciate it.

REGINA - are you out there?:wink: I NEED MY BAND MEMBERS SECTION!!

Yes, no great loss if it is gone, although this has happened before. It'll probably be back up. There's never much happening over there these days. The band member section has very few posts day to day. Not at all like this fabulous hive of activity!:D
Although I was a member of Zootopia, I never posted there. I found it really hard to navigate around the place and hit all of the various folders. I was a member of various U2 listservers, and then, well, I discovered PLEBA and its fabulous pix and didn't really need to go anywhere else.
*just got through drooling over my favorite U2 videos* :drool: :drool: :drool: :censored: :censored: :censored:
Jamila said:
Is anyone else having problems getting into Zootopia? I have been trying since Saturday and all I get is a blank screen!:ohmy:

If anyone has any info about this, I would REALLY appreciate it.

REGINA - are you out there?:wink: I NEED MY BAND MEMBERS SECTION!!


hi dear. really zootopia isn?t work. Since Friday-evening I have problems to access it. Saturday, Sunday and yesterday I was able to access, only during few minutes (5 minutes) and after DOWN. I miss your love?s posts to Bono. Have a beautiful day, and if you wish, you can write to me: reginaonumb@hotmail.com. Big hugs!:hug:
I used to post in Zootopia before it went from bad to worst. People were never very friendly there. A lot of arrogant and pretencious people there plus too many fights for stupid things. I do not intend on going there again. In fact I'm thinking about becoming a Premium Member here. this place is a thousand times better, cooler and filled with really interesting people!
Actually, TheBrazilianFly, I have ALWAYS found VERY sweet and supportive posters in the Zoo. :yes:

I try VERY hard to ALWAYS speak as positively as I can about everyone and everything, even if I disagree, and I have NEVER been disappointed by posters in the Zoo.:up: :hug:

I wish we could all say the same thing here...:ohmy:

But I love and respect ALL our Interference family too!:wink:

Thanks, everyone, for taking the time to post - especially if it said something POSITIVE. (Like Regina's)

WE'RE ONE - BUT WE'RE NOT THE SAME. WE GET TO CARRY EACH OTHER.:bono: :heart: :heart: :wave:
TheBrazilianFly said:
I used to post in Zootopia before it went from bad to worst. People were never very friendly there. A lot of arrogant and pretencious people there plus too many fights for stupid things. I do not intend on going there again. In fact I'm thinking about becoming a Premium Member here. this place is a thousand times better, cooler and filled with really interesting people!

:yes: I never posted in Zootopia (I was too intimidated to do so :reject: ) and it was kinda hard to navigate like verte76 said.

Glad you joined us here BrazilianFly :hug: :wave:
Jamila said:
Actually, TheBrazilianFly, I have ALWAYS found VERY sweet and supportive posters in the Zoo. :yes:

I try VERY hard to ALWAYS speak as positively as I can about everyone and everything, even if I disagree, and I have NEVER been disappointed by posters in the Zoo.:up: :hug:

I wish we could all say the same thing here...:ohmy:

But I love and respect ALL our Interference family too!:wink:

Thanks, everyone, for taking the time to post - especially if it said something POSITIVE. (Like Regina's)

WE'RE ONE - BUT WE'RE NOT THE SAME. WE GET TO CARRY EACH OTHER.:bono: :heart: :heart: :wave:

I'm sorry but I was just giving my opinion on how I see things there. I haven't been there some time now so maybe things changed but when I was there it was as I described before. If you had better experiences there that's great! :up:
Jamila said:
Actually, TheBrazilianFly, I have ALWAYS found VERY sweet and supportive posters in the Zoo. :yes:

I try VERY hard to ALWAYS speak as positively as I can about everyone and everything, even if I disagree, and I have NEVER been disappointed by posters in the Zoo.:up: :hug:

I wish we could all say the same thing here...:ohmy:

But I love and respect ALL our Interference family too!:wink:

Thanks, everyone, for taking the time to post - especially if it said something POSITIVE. (Like Regina's)

WE'RE ONE - BUT WE'RE NOT THE SAME. WE GET TO CARRY EACH OTHER.:bono: :heart: :heart: :wave:

I'm sorry too, I didn't want to offend anyone with my opinion. I had very bad experiences there, that's why I don't like it. But TheBrazilianFly is right, maybe it has changed since then... I'm glad you found friendly people and have a good time there! :)
Thanks, U2aremy friends, for understanding the spirit of my post.

I wasn't offended - I just think that we ALL should do what Jesus suggested. Take the plucks out of our own eyes before we try to take the plucks out of anyone else's. :wink:

I think we would ALL be better people if we did that.:yes:

ONE LOVE....:bono: :heart: :heart: :wave: :up: :angel: :hug:
I was a frequent poster in the Zoo, before it was changed. I was posting about a month after it first went up, I suppose I just got used to the format, so it wasn't hard for me to navigate.

Basically I just knew which areas to avoid, and there were no fights in the Adam folder :cool: ,just the occasional disagreements about whether or not the afro was cool. ;) I was on the side that thought his afro was cool. "Bass players get the weirdest fans" so you can imagine our discussions. Spoons, hairstyles, gardening, bass lines, sarongs, the members personal lives, general consensus that Avril Lavingne was awful.

Forums have their pros and cons, but sheesh, I wish they didn't change it, now it's just screwy, can't edit, links to other websites have to be copy and pasted, replies are out of order.
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I never used to post there either. Too scary.

I did get a lot of pms from eastern europeans who were always friendly though. (apparently Beli is also a Slav name or sumfin )
Well, they can have it!

In fact, I consider my user name from there as a dead name. I haven't used "oneofthesweetestthings" in so long. The moderators there treated me and others like shit after we complained and told the truth about how the new Zootopia sucks compared to the old one. The moderators had the nerve to ask what was wrong with the place, and I flat out told them to pull their head out of their ass and read all of the messages that tons of people had already left in the U2.com folder since the new place started months ago. They and a few other members obviously couldn't handle the truth. After I would leave a message complaining about how bad the place was and leaving a list as to what needed fixing, I was reported as abuse. So the moderators went back through the entire Zootopia website and deleted all of my messages. WTF? Including those that had nothing to do with complaints like messages to my friends since there is no PMing in there. I know I wrote about 200+ messages in there, and then the next day my profile said 0. So instead of banning me totally, they kept deleting my messages. I think there was a certain person in there calling me a troll, pressing the abuse button, and the only thing this person said was that they were tired of reading the negative messages I was leaving. So why should this person care? I wasn't talking to this person directly anyway, I was talking to the moderators. The whole place is fucked up! Nobody goes in there anyway. The place is almost a ghosttown compared to what it was before it changed. Now personally, I learned how to navigate through the old Zoo just fine, and I learned what folders to stay out of, especially the GD folder. That's why I primarily stayed in the Bono folder. It was very safe in there, and that's where I discovered this great place called PLEBA. If it wasn't for MelPop's story, Bono leather days, and other links, I would not have discovered Interference.

So, what can the new Zootopia offer me now? NOTHING!

If you read the comments in the U2.com folder today, it's still the same old problems people were bitching about 7 months ago.

I feel sorry for the new people in there and the old members who are coming back now that don't know what's going on. I tried going in there many times telling people to get out and telling them that there are better U2 sites. But again some took offense to it, called me a troll, and hit the abuse button.

I was nice in the beginning, we were ignored, I fought back, but...


<Thanks for letting me vent...WHEW!...I needed that!>
My only questiom is: WHY do we complain SO MUCH? :ohmy:

I was taught a long time that if I had nothing good to say about someone or something to say NOTHING AT ALL! I'm sure most of here were taught the same.:yes:

Every major religion and/or philosophy of life teaches the Golden Rule: Do unto to others as you would have them do unto you. SO WHY DON'T WE FOLLOW IT?

I am AMAZED, CONFOUNDED AND DISAPPOINTED (I could use stronger language) whenever I see/hear/read people who proclaim a Love and Respect of U2 and then go and do the OPPOSITE of everything that they stand for!:scratch:


U2 has stood for kindness, compassion, understanding, acceptance, TOLERANCE(of which I am doing a lot of lately) and UNITY amongst cultures, races, religions and even the U2 community!:up: :hug:


Personally, if I was a member of U2 - I would be VERY DISCOURAGED that we, as the U2 community, haven't yet completely put their MESSAGES in our hearts.


THANK YOU, BONO! I WILL ALWAYS FOLLOW!:bono: :heart: :heart: :angel: :wave:
I think that the people who are complaining (me included) are not complaining because we don't have anything else to do or because we are disrespectful or because we want to start a fight (definitely not) but because we all had very negative experiences in Zootopia to the point of making us angry and hurt. I'm not a fan of a place where one guy says "those fucking south-Americans" and others agree. I was mistreated, offended and putted aside because of very stupid things that shouldn?t matter to decent people. I like your philosophy of life and I try to follow it too, like from time to time I might see a thread about a band or a person that I don't like or something but I don't go there bashing the band or the person just because of that, I respect other's opinions and I know there are people who like those bands, as much as I like U2 but I was never offended or anything by those bands, in Zootopia that's a different case. I have all the right in the world to hold a grudge about that place and understandable reasons to why I say what I say about it. Please don?t say that I?m disrespecting U2 (they are not a religion) just because of the way I act in one particular moment that had nothing to do with any member of the band or the band?s music, the only thing to do with U2 here is that Zootopia is their official message board and the reasons why I don?t like there has NOTHING to do with them. U2 doesn?t impose anything over people. There were (and probably there still is) good people there too but I guess I only hanged out where the bad seeds were. I understand that maybe you started this thread with the intent of having only good comments on it and some of us might have spoiled it for you, for that I apologize.
TheBrazilianFly said:
I think that the people who are complaining (me included) are not complaining because we don't have anything else to do or because we are disrespectful or because we want to start a fight (definitely not) but because we all had very negative experiences in Zootopia to the point of making us angry and hurt.

I think this basically sums it up. I've also personally found that the old Zoo was really hard to use and the navigation wasn't as easy as Interference.

TheBrazilianFly said:

I'm not a fan of a place where one guy says "those fucking south-Americans" and others agree. I was mistreated, offended and putted aside because of very stupid things that shouldn?t matter to decent people.


TheBrazilianFly said:

I have all the right in the world to hold a grudge about that place and understandable reasons to why I say what I say about it. Please don?t say that I?m disrespecting U2 (they are not a religion) just because of the way I act in one particular moment that had nothing to do with any member of the band or the band?s music, the only thing to do with U2 here is that Zootopia is their official message board and the reasons why I don?t like there has NOTHING to do with them.

As much as I'd like to think U2 are a religion, they aren't.
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Ooh um, just to edit, in case anyone caught it, when I say "discuss the band members' personal lives" I don't mean like relationships, but like, Adam's spoon collecting, gardening, Larry's collecting of all sorts of things, U2 stuff, stamps, coins, their pets, if they have any.

A cat called Velcro, too funny Edge!
Hi, I don't post here as often as I used to - both because I have my own forum and because I have been in the Forum Help section a lot and am *still* having trouble seeing piccies in here, frustrating cause my fave thing here is the RSOC days and I would have liked to see the Picture Tag thread. Oddly, when I come here, I can sometimes see the first page of pics on the first thread I click open then nada...I don't have this trouble on my own forum or on Poplemon where I also go. Right now I can't even see the smilies to use :sad: tho I remember a few of them. esp the PLEBA necessity :drool: and the cute little :grumpy:

But to get back on topic, I see a sad amount of negativity here. Yes the original Zootopia had its share of flame wars, lol which I sometimes was involved in, plus I was a mod there as well, so I quite liked it. Having said that, when the original Zoo folded I was most impressed with the way Elvis and the other mods treated Zootopians so decently and made us feel so welcomed here. Interference is not without its flame wars tho- as a newbie I was jumped all over in one of the music folders simply for offering to trade a handful of bootlegs for Premium Membership. PLEBA itself is friendly and has great pics, hope I can participate in the RSOC days again soon once I figure out my pc trouble with it...

But I must say Allegra (Oneofthesweetestthings), you certainly paint a slanted picture for others to see. You had an anti-Tiscali Zoo in your avatar and were only posting in the new Zoo to cause trouble. You did not merely state things you felt needed improving- others have done so and not been deleted- you were nasty and insulting and downright abusive to the moderators. Little wonder you were deleted, if you behaved like that in PLEBA I'm certain the mods here wouldn't tolerate it either. Plus you only posted there when you wanted to stir up some trouble, mods can quickly tell who is sincerely wanting to be a member of a site and who is just there to troll it.

I think Jamila has the right attitude we can all learn from. U2 sites and forums should be a community- not a bunch of warring tribes.

If anyone can offer me any advice on getting my pic prob sorted out it would be appreciated. I'll check back here or you can email me @ lck_tweek@hotmail.com I've already tried everything in the Forum Help section, plus a few things on my own- one which I thought solved the prob, but only lets me see the first page.

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