Diamond, I had no idea, you dog you!!! So tell me how did he feel? Did he feel good!!!
It was a ill advised move that was done impulsively.
Immediately after leaping onto the catwalk before I even landed, I had my regrets-like "I shouldn't be doing this" and "what have you got myself into"?
My heart was pounding, and I knew only one fellow in the arena could save me.
I didn't realize how how quickly things would spiral out of control in an adversarial way.
Incredibly Bono took over a situation that resembled a train wreck and steered the situation into one of jubilation, triumph and joy.
In his presence he was quick witted and friendly, mastering this precarious situation into something memorable.
His clothes were very supple and soft (deer skin leather) and he was extriodinarily light.
I don't know if it was my adrenaline, extra supernatural help-so that I wouldn't drop him, but his body weight seemed very light, like I had kid in my arms.
One of the last things he spoke to me in all earnesty was a line from the song Walk On,(that was being performed) and he looked at me intently and said:
"Be safe tonight"
What I took from the whole event years later is a lesson in charity.
Wherever you find somebody that needs a hand up, emotionally, financially or that is in a bad way- you help them the best way you can-in that moment.
Charity, that is the most important work we can do on earth, whether it's your time that you give, your talent that you give, or your compassion that you give-Charity is the most important gift God gave all of us to use.