Your favorite thing about U2

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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The Fly
Jan 13, 2006
Ok, I hope I'm not being a total cheeseball here, but in light of some recent posts I feel like it's time for some positive thoughts! Too much negativity will get you down. So here's a thought - can we have a post dedicated to everyone's favorite thing/s about U2? The things that make you like this band, the reason you post on a fan site for them. Feel free to post pics to illustrate your point!

I hope this isn't a complete repeat thread, I'm sure there must have been similar threads in the past but with new Inteference members joining all the time the answers will be different.
I like U2 because I love their music, more than any other music in my life. It's powerful, I've never wanted to join any other bands' fanbase til U2. And I love the way they love each other, that comes through in their music.


maybe a total cheeseball answer too but, it's true. :)

I also love Bono for the work he does outside of U2. I was a fan of him for that before I was a U2 fan, so I'm grateful for that leading me to discover the music of U2. :heart:
The music.... I love them because of their music, so good, so powerful, so much better than 99% of the other bands....

Live they've been the best act since 1980..... who can beat them??? Red hot maybe.... but they are not at the same level if you look at the whole career....
I love their music, to me it is passionate, emotional, love almost every lyric and song for many many years!!!!

I admire Bono for his work beside the band, for the person he is and for being human beside being rockstar, for ..... well must stop now cause I keep rambling on about Bono...

I love the way they all are and how they dealing with everything and eachother.

I can go on and on and on!!

:heart: :wink: :wink:
To begin with I didn't look at Bono (or Adam or Edge or Larry) and think "whoa, hot :drool:". No, I got to love them from the inside out. Because first it was their spirituality and faith. Especially Bono's clever way of sneaking God and biblical references into almost every song, because I'd been struggling with my faith for so long, and here was someone who was completely unashamed of his, but more importantly, here was someone who was not afraid to be himself, and be completely comfortable in his skin, and swear and smoke and drink, and act like a goofball, and explore the sexuality of music, but still be completely confident in his faith, and in God's love for him. And I wanted to be able to do that, and through Bono's example, and U2's music, I've been able to finally be comfortable with myself. That may sound totally cheesy, but it's true.

So that was first, and still my favourite. It was only after I got into U2 for that, that I found out about the humanitarianism, and the campaigns, and the Sunday Bloody Sunday white flag, and everything else. And all that was just icing on the cake.
The sound they make together!
Their loyality to each other!
Their sense of family.
Their giving of themselves for the music and their repective causes.
For lighting that fire within me again from when I was younger.
For giving me a strong talking to through his speeches...for giving me a cause.
I always appreciated their music, thanks to having older brothers and sisters who listened to them. But I never loved them until seeing them live in I was hooked. The music, the stage presence, the beliefs, their integrity, their commitment to each other and their family, and yep, I like how they look too :wink: but that is not what continually draws me back to them. To me, as a band they have more depth in their little finger than what many new bands try again and again to achieve, but never quite get there.

And they are STILL approachable after all these years - they haven't forgotten how they got to where they are....through their fans.
1976 Natural colored Gibson Explorer...

oh and all the love and unity :wink:

i love U2 because they make me happy, the music is real, its powerful, it carries a message, something i can really connect with, its the inspiration that made me want to pick up an instrument, find my spiritual side, lift me up when i need it most, its the soundtrack to my life!
I love them because they changed me with their music and message.
I have always felt this deep connection because I knew what Bono was talking about was REAL. It wasn't BS, he wasn't/isn't some holier than thou preach-ey musician. I can smell posers a mile away. :) He and the boys are the real deal.
I agree with their views and beliefs and desire to change the world. They have inspired me to try and make the world a better place in my own little and big ways!
To put it simply, they have made me a better person! How do you thank somebody for giving you all that plus really awesome music through the years? It's overwhelming to me sometimes, it makes me cry. :sad: In a good way ofcourse!
:heart: :heart:
Wow, where could a dedicated, loyal fan start to explain?

I personally feel like I have a strong connection with all members of the band. I feel like I have personally known Adam, Bono, Edge, and Larry all of my life. Any true fan knows that feeling. Bono has even said that his fans/those that listen to the music, know him better than anyone else. That is because of the intimacy that comes from the music/lyrics. It amazes me how such a simple thing, as some people feel, as a band, can make your life worthwhile. Anyone that knows me knows how much U2 means to me. I have grown up with this band. I was 13 (now 23), at my first concert ever...and it was U2. I proudly wore my concert t-shirt to middle school and so many people had no clue who they were. Every paper that has been written with a choice of topic has been on U2/Bono and their humanitarian causes. I can relate anything to U2. They have a connection among themselves that is amazing. How many bands have been around for over 2 decades and have not broken up or had changes in band members? It is uncanny the respect that I have for this band. Hopefully one day I will have the opportunity to express my love for them by properly thanking them. Basically, I would say that I love U2 because they are who they are...they are true to themselves. Plus it does hurt that they're hot! :combust:
P.S My almost-six-month-old loves U2, especially Bono. She loves to stare at the screen when watching a U2 dvd and smile and bounce around.

what could i say that hasnt been said already !!!!! all those reasons listed above (mabey minus the spirituality)
and +++ on the sexuality.

the music of u2 has gotten me through some of the most diffucult times in my life where i was ready to drop out of this world, it has also been there during the good times and provided me with the most profound and amazing experiences.

U2 is one of the only things i am truly passionate about .

now i finally understand how i can make small changes that can make a difference in the world, through campaigns like One and Make poverty history, and the AWF.

u2 have created the soundtrack to my life's journey. and for that i am ever grateful and can't properly express what it all means.
europop2005 said:
1976 Natural colored Gibson Explorer...

oh and all the love and unity :wink:

i love U2 because they make me happy, the music is real, its powerful, it carries a message, something i can really connect with, its the inspiration that made me want to pick up an instrument, find my spiritual side, lift me up when i need it most, its the soundtrack to my life!

You took the words out of my mouth, including the explorer part :wink: :drool:

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