You too can go bowling with Bono if.....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jan 20, 2001
Brisbane (with Montreal in my heart!)
...You look like a friggin supermodel

From the Toronto Star:

BOWLING FOR BONO: U2 can be a big hit with the babes.

Just hang around with Bono, the lead singer for the Irish pop group.

The Edge, Bono and Larry Mullen had lunch at Sassafraz last Sunday and then disbanded, with Bono heading out into the rain with three comely Sassafraz femme staffers who took him bowling.



She had heaven
And she held on so tight

[This message has been edited by Naya (edited 10-21-2001).]
yeah, and you have to be Canadian, my sources tell me all Canadian women look like this

this might explain last night, too much bowling for Bono... hope he didnt "hurt" himself!
He was after that Canadian honey.

You know, the one on the right.

Stealing honey from a swarm of bees,
swinging through the trees.
ohhh, the girls at sassafraz...a much more inspiring canadian icon than the lady behind the counter at your tim hortons at 6 in the morning on a tuesday.
cool that he was there tho, i was hoping to see him and the boys at 737 in montreal after the show there but oh well.

i'm a reasonable man
get off my case
Ahhhh, according to my friend Matt, the university of western ontario (here in London), has one of the highest concentrations of hot girls in the world (according to something he read). Now I cannot substantiate that, but... From what Ive seen, what we need to do, is get U2's chick fans and then all the good ol canadian girls all goin there. Then Ill be set, Ill prolly get eyestrain from walkin round campus. But yah, sometimes its sacrifices like that which just have to be made... LOL!
Originally posted by ~unforgettableFOXfire~:
Ahhhh, according to my friend Matt, the university of western ontario (here in London), has one of the highest concentrations of hot girls in the world (according to something he read). Now I cannot substantiate that, but... From what Ive seen, what we need to do, is get U2's chick fans and then all the good ol canadian girls all goin there. Then Ill be set, Ill prolly get eyestrain from walkin round campus. But yah, sometimes its sacrifices like that which just have to be made... LOL!

yeah the girls @ uwo are pretty hot, but that whole place is so cosmetic. everyone looks as though they just walked out of a Gap ad, absolutely pristine. it's sickening. but yeah the girls are hot.

i'm a reasonable man
get off my case
Originally posted by The Wanderer:
yeah, and you have to be Canadian, my sources tell me all Canadian women look like this

Who are your sources??

I'm Canadian

I should add that I'm a girl (and wondering if I look like that
) not that I'm interested in Canadian girls

Love is the heartbeat of the universe

[This message has been edited by scatteroflight (edited 10-21-2001).]
*MUST become Canadian

the one on the right shouldnt be showing her just aint flat enough
*is resorting to jealous criticizing*

but for the grace of love I'd will the meaning of heaven from above...
I'm canadian...I'm a girl...WHERE THE HELL WAS I??????

Studying for a calculus midterm *sighs*

As for the UWO comments, precisely the reason I didn't go there...I couldn't stand going to a school where everyone looked as though they were about to hit a club (my high school was like that)
Seeing as how bono coine me a "half rock star" I should get half the amount of girls he does, he seems to have three in that photo so i would get 1.5..and we always round up of I get my choice of two women in that photo. Any objections?
I truly enjoy going to UWO...uh, for the studies. Yeah, that's the ticket.

"Good men die unhappily. Bad men die unluckily. THAT's tragedy." --Tom Stoppard

"I can't watch a man sing a song. He gets all emotional, he starts's embarrassing!" -- Jerry Seinfeld
is it just me or does the chick on the right look a little..."enhanced"
Originally posted by ~unforgettableFOXfire~:
Ahhhh, according to my friend Matt, the university of western ontario (here in London), has one of the highest concentrations of hot girls in the world (according to something he read).

UWO is an overrated party school.
At least you lot are in Canada.I'm in the Uk.
Crap weather.I'm moving to Dublin though.The weather being crap doesn't bother me there.
Originally posted by BabyGrace:
*MUST become Canadian

the one on the right shouldnt be showing her just aint flat enough
*is resorting to jealous criticizing*

Yeah, that shirt is too small for her.
The one on the left needs Clairol, look at those roots!
And the one in the middle looks like she might have cooties, she's giving them to Bono!
Sorry, green is not pretty on me.
U2's Official Aussie Fan


"we're free to fly the crimsom sky...the sun won't melt our wings tonight..."
Sassafraz? a restaurant chain? along the line of Hooters?No, Mr. "Halfrock Star", you just have to make do with the 1.5
You can have the "catholic half"(quote made famous by Ali Hewson)
An excuse to sing again
I used to love a song called Sweet Sassafras(good fun, going to bug me all day, cause I can't remember the singer)
Sweet Sassafras
1."Every time this gal of mine
comes switching down the street.
She shakes it right
Cause she knows what I like
And she shakes it right at me.
She looks good, she looks fine.
A fox going out to **** (never did know what he says there..a fox going out to****? sounded like pass? what, wind? ewww j/k)
Slip slide on the inside , satisfies
Sweet Sassafras.

2.Now she can kiss with both lips
Stuck on top of degenerates from cease and desist.

A whole lotta shakin' going on....I wonder if he struck bowling?

If anyone knows this song and it's singer.....pleeeaseee tell me.
Hello Naya, I was so busy singing down memory lane, I almost forgot it is your topic.I'm curious(speaking of female beauty) did you take up an eastern dancing class?I hope so
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