Nov 14, 2004 #1 Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere i just watched my beloved buffalo bills be devoured by the new england patriots. have a beer with me
Nov 14, 2004 #2 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b sounds like a good idea.
Nov 14, 2004 #3 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere cheers!!!
Nov 14, 2004 #4 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b
Nov 14, 2004 #5 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere have we met before? i feel inappropriate without a formal introduction.
Nov 14, 2004 #6 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b no. so hello.
Nov 14, 2004 #7 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere hello miss velvet dress 75. i adore you.
Nov 14, 2004 #8 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b why thank you Se7en. grab me another beer, please.
Nov 14, 2004 #9 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere all i have is miller high life. distressing i know. what woudl you prefer?
Nov 14, 2004 #10 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b if it is cold, it will work.
Nov 14, 2004 #11 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere what's cooler than cool????
Nov 14, 2004 #12 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b ice cold.
Nov 14, 2004 #13 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere
Nov 14, 2004 #14 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b
Nov 14, 2004 #15 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere how is atlanta at this itme of night?
Nov 14, 2004 #16 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b cold as hell.
Nov 14, 2004 #17 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere boooooooo. here too.. drink more beer. you will warm up.
Nov 14, 2004 #18 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b sounds good. I may need to hit the shots to really warm me up. Sorry for your boys did not perform well. My team did well today.
sounds good. I may need to hit the shots to really warm me up. Sorry for your boys did not perform well. My team did well today.
Nov 14, 2004 #19 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere you a falcons fan? good for you. the bills are struggling. and my poor buffalo has no hockey!!!!!!!!!!! bring out the jack!
you a falcons fan? good for you. the bills are struggling. and my poor buffalo has no hockey!!!!!!!!!!! bring out the jack!
Nov 14, 2004 #20 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b you do need some shots. JD will work.
Nov 14, 2004 #21 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere there is nothing like some tennessee whiskey on a cold cold night.
Nov 14, 2004 #22 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b the shots sound like a really good idea. I haven't had JD in several months.
Nov 14, 2004 #23 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere it is one of my personal favorites. i haven't had it since the summer months. we must commence our bachanalian. did i spell that right? i don't think so.
it is one of my personal favorites. i haven't had it since the summer months. we must commence our bachanalian. did i spell that right? i don't think so.
Nov 14, 2004 #24 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b hell that looks right to me.
Nov 14, 2004 #25 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere beer + rum + beer + wine =
Nov 14, 2004 #26 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b that sounds like trouble to me.
Nov 14, 2004 #27 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere nah, i don't believe i have passed the point of no return. is hould be ok. thank you for your concern. have i mentioned that i adore you?
nah, i don't believe i have passed the point of no return. is hould be ok. thank you for your concern. have i mentioned that i adore you?
Nov 14, 2004 #28 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b yes you have. But you can say it again.
Nov 14, 2004 #29 OP OP Se7en Rock n' Roll Doggie Joined Feb 10, 2001 Messages 3,531 Location all around in the dark - everywhere i adore you. ...provided you aren't a republican. tell me you love me please.
Nov 14, 2004 #30 MissVelvetDress_75 Blue Crack Addict Joined Dec 23, 2001 Messages 25,776 Location basking in my post-concert glow still mesmerized b I am not republican and I love you.