Why does everyone have dogs as avatars?

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God Part III

Rock n' Roll Doggie Band-aid
Oct 16, 2004
Granted, since the tour came to an end I haven't been watching Interference that closely, and I haven't been posting as much, so it may be my own fault, but I'm curious - everyone seems to have some sort of dog as their avatar....


Was it U2Man?
Everyone? I think it just seems like everyone.

Yeah it was, you can look in up in the Inside Broadcast forum. It's not supposed to be constantly brought up, no offense to you because of course you wouldn't know that. :)
Currently, we don't allow discussion of banned or suspended members. There is an informative thread in Inside Broadcast, and we also currently have an active thread in Zoo Confessionals in regards to what happens in Inside Broadcast. There is also a thread in Don't Expect, Suggest that contains suggestions about changing the rules regarding discussin of banned or suspended members. In the meantime, please do not create anymore threads regarding this topic.
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