I like them a lot, but I'm still waiting for them to show me with the next CD that they are good.
What I like the most, like their MTV awards performance, is that they are "normal" in their act - they don't have the big words lie "we are the best" and they don't piss on the other artists like Frank Durst or Kid Rock do.
Mikal: Why the sad face on your first post??? I thought that I'll have to defend them
A little digression: I know that I'm young here but this is my 100th post on interefernce and I'm proud off it.
One more thing: I'm from Croatia, and one man from Croatia a few days ago killed 7 americans - in Teneese I think. He doesn't represent my Country, he acted as individual but I would like to apologise and to tell you that I'm realy sorry. It's all over the front pages in my country last days. He cut the throat of the bus driver and in a crash 6 more people died. I'm sorry