Where can I get a cross like this?

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War Child
Apr 15, 2001
Earth, why have borders?
I know we all want Bono's sunglasses
, but I'd like to change the platinum cross I have now (even though it's awesome) to one like Bono has in "Details". I've been looking around and can't find one. Maybe one of you can help me out. I'll show you a picture...thank you


I love it..thanks.

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, live like there is no tomorrow, dance like no one is watching." --Bono

"The only limits are the limits of our imagination. Dream up the kind of world you want to live in. Dream out loud. At high VOLUME".
It's most certainly a rosary.

If you live in a big city, just go to the largest Catholic church/cathedral. They are usually available for sale there, in all colours, shapes and variations.
come down to the city and get some at St. Patrick's. Although someone fill me in here-- my mom used to yell at me whenever I pretened my rosary was a necklace so I've always thought it was considered sacreligious. am i wrong?
Ok, I found it on the webpage but 1 questions:

1) Where can I get the actual cross and the rest of it (just a little shorter)? I think its very cool. Thank you.

P.S. I would go into the city, but I don't go often, even though I'm just 45 min train ride away..

thank you.

"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, live like there is no tomorrow, dance like no one is watching." --Bono

"The only limits are the limits of our imagination. Dream up the kind of world you want to live in. Dream out loud. At high VOLUME".
I don't think there's anything wrong with wearing a rosary like a necklace.
I've never heard that wearing one was sacrilegious.

baker... do you want it with or without the beads?
With the beads they're usually pretty long because they have to fit a certain amount of beads on there. It would be hard to find one any shorter than the one Bono's wearing. The beads are used to pray the Rosary with.
Hey thanks - I like the beads but I think I'd prefer it shorter (so I guess w/o beads). It looks like you know a lot about this, I'm tryin to cope with the Rosary Shop site, but its hard since a lot of the things don't have pictures. If you could somehow pull up a beads and a no beads version of Bono's (or similair) rosary that would be great. I'm still trying, but its hard!
Thank you.
yeah..that Rosary Shop site is a pain. i couldn't find a complete rosary (with beads) that had that particular cross. I think the only way to get one off that site is to order a custom made one.
But I know you can get simpler, less expensive ones with that cross at Catholic bookstores and at some churches. I've seen them around.
I found this other one..but it has all these extra medals so it will be much longer than the Bono one. here's the link: http://www.therosarystore.com/detail.asp?PRODUCT_ID=60052
My mom makes rosaries so i'm pretty familiar with them.
most larger towns have stores where yo ucan buy rosaries. I'm not Catholic, but I bought one specifically because Bono had one...I took it home and sort of cannibalized it, made it more 'necklace-y' (I make a lot of my own jewelry). As far as being 'sacrilegious', who knows, it wouldn't matter to me!

Gotta admit Bono looks HOT HOT HOT in his!
(sorry, it's the Pleba in me)
Does Bono's have beads(I'm not catholic, but it looks like it does)
Is it really the one the Pope gave him?
If the Pope gave me something, I don't think I'd wear it a whole lot, what if I lost it?

All I can say is it looks really good on him.

The cross Larry wears looks good too.
Ive heard everything now.
Saying someone looks sexy in rosary beads!

Yeah sharky it is actually sacreligious. I suppose it dont really matter if you're not catholic though!

Just a word of warning Baker..they arent exactly a fashion item. They are generally carried by holy joe old ladies who go to church every day and use them to say their prayers.

Each bead u use as a counter to say a Hail Mary and on the larger bead you say an Our Father.They are supposed to be held. Catholic kids enjoy nothing more than been given a set of rosary beads as a present! hahahahaha
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