What's the longest Larry has played at the end of 40?

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Jan 31, 2005
I've always wanted to see Larry crank it out for a killer drum solo when he's the last one left in 40, but he always seems to play for like twenty seconds or less. What's his longest 40 solo you can think of?
he went for a while a the end of the first continental airlines show this year before morphing the 40 outro into the vertigo intro in what was probably the only cool use of vertigo times 2 of the entire tour.
Headache in a Suitcase said:
he went for a while a the end of the first continental airlines show this year before morphing the 40 outro into the vertigo intro in what was probably the only cool use of vertigo times 2 of the entire tour.

this year? was it a secret show? :wink:
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