What's the deal with naked adam?

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The Fly
Sep 18, 2001
Hello all and happy holidays,

Can someone please tell me about the "naked adam" on the Achtung baby cd? Was it on the vinyl cover? Did they pull all the copy's? If so, do copies exist??? Is this a rare item?? Someone. please help? And if someone has a copy, what's it worth?? (cd/tape/vinyl)

mike in toronto
go LEAFS go!!!!
You can buy copies that have naked Adam on the front in countries other than America I am sure. My friend that lives in Australia recently purchased AB with Adam in all his glory on the cover.

The more of these I drink the more Bono makes sense.. - Bean from the KROQ Breakfast with U2.
who cares why he did it, the point is he did!!!

my copy have AB has a shamrock covering his instrument. but that wasn't purposeful, i didn't realize it until i got home and opened the cd!

Does love light up your Christmas tree?

Happy Holidays!

"And I wear gray underwear." -Bono


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...if God will send his angels...
Go to PLEBA...they know ALLLLLL about naked Adam!

"I don't know you,
But you don't know the half of it..."
i just bought a vinyl copy of achtung baby in a record store and it has naked adam on it because it was made in england. i had to tell my little sister not to look at it too close

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